Prom 2015: An Ongoing Saga

Yesterday was our first Prom Committee meeting of the year. Our committee is a mix of several different groups of people who all have different ideas to bring to the table as evidenced in my last prom post. It's going to be interesting seeing where this goes.

A new idea yesterday was to have it at the guidance counselors farm and go for a hayride, which a lot of people liked but still went down the tubes anyways when our class advisor came in and said that we need to have most or all of the event at the school site.

We also have a date set, so mark your calendars for Saturday April 18th 2015 ladies and gentlemen and get ready to dance the night away after you're paraded in front of about 1-200 people then enjoy a wonderful dinner by whoever caters the event (some have said Chipotle) and go home at the end of the night thinking that was the best or worst night of my high school career. It's a pretty flip-flop evening if I do say so myself.

We're meeting again Wednesday, but right now committee members are talking to the school principal to see what can be approved and what can't be. As we start counting down to April, things can only get more exciting!


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