
Almost four centuries ago, a group of British folk desperate for a fresh start in life sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to Plymouth Massachusetts to begin the Plymouth Colony led by several brave men. This group was a religious group, and had a real sense of family.

Unfortunately, the very first Winter they were here hit them hard as a large number died and were eaten so that the remaining Colonists could have food.  They were also feigning off Indians that they thought were the enemy.

The next Spring the Indians came and offered to show the colonists the many tricks of the trade they had learned over the years, and behold the colony fared a little better from then on.   Around Harvest Time the next year everyone gathered for a large feast and they absolutely stuffed themselves full of food, and were thankful for what they had.

This feast has lasted through the ages, eventually getting it's own day on the third Thursday of November before former President Franklin Roosevelt moved it to the fourth Thursday of November during his 12 years in office.  It's become one of my favorite holidays because for once we aren't smothering people with presents and the like.

But Thanksgiving seems to have faded from existence to most people, and that's because the Christmas shopping season has always been expanding.  For example.....

  • Christmas displays now pop up in stores while Halloween stuff is still on sale 
  • Layaway will make a return from the dead at stores as early as mid-September 
  • Radio Shack opened at 8:00am today with Black Friday deals
  • Best Buy will be opening at 5:00pm today with Doorbusters 
  • Walmart is open all day and Black Friday deals happen in three waves: 6:00 and 8:00 tonight, and then 6:00am tomorrow morning.
It's sad really because there are a lot of consequences involved with these deals.  People are pepper sprayed, trampled to the floor, and killed, all because of a hot item that they want.  I am not against Black Friday in the least bit because it puts money in the pockets of businesses and employees in some cases will get extra pay while not being with their families because stores like Walmart always need staffers.  I'm even working tonight for four hours and during both of the PM release waves and will also be working tomorrow evening.  Might as well start the holiday working experience now right?  It'll better prepare me for college and the adult life.

Lots of people are still thankful for what they have though, and they express that when sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner, which is one of my favorite meals of the year and I start feeling and looking like Frosty The Snowman afterwards.  We all have lots of things to be thankful for whether we express it today, or year-round

  • A roof over our heads.  Some people aren't even lucky enough to have this! 
  • Food & water.  Oh man how lots of people including me take this for granted
  • A job for those of us who have one.  No matter how much it may pay we're still able to support our families on some type of level. 
  • A God who is awesome, righteous and powerful.  No matter what denomination we are many of us have a belief in a higher power, and I remain thankful to this day to have been Saved. 
  • Safety in our homeland: For those of you who are reading from foreign countries, this unfortunately may not apply.  No other country has protection like we do, and while it's great to watch the Arab Spring turn many countries into a democracy instead of an autocracy, it's sad to watch thousands die in the process. 
And there are many things I'm thankful for today that fall outside of these categories. 

  • All of my jobs.  Managing, Announcing, Cashiering, Writing, and DJing.  I've done a lot over the last six and a half years and I wouldn't have missed a single minute of it! 
  • Storybook Lodge.  This place is amazing when it comes to the atmosphere if you're a counselor or are a camper after having been a counselor.  There is no hate or backstabbing that goes on in this place.  Everyone works so quietly and peacefully together, and the counselors act as if they've known someone for years even if they've only known them for a week or three. 
  • My family.  Ever since my father passed away in 2008 it's basically just been my mother sister and I for the last six years running together.  We haven't had much contact with either side of our family since then so they are literally all I have for blood relatives.  And oh the adventures we've had. 
  • A vehicle: Most of my Walmart co-workers that are adults have to get a ride from people each day to get to their job.  I am lucky to be able to get here by myself each and every shift. 
  • Help in the college searching process: I'll need to apply for colleges pretty quick here, and then begins the waiting game to see if I can get into any of them, which it'll be awesome if I can! 
  • Friends: I could never be where I am now if it weren't for you guys.  Thank you again! 

So from me to all of you, Happy Thanksgiving/Black Thursday!   Stay safe out on the roads tonight, and I'll see you next week when I blog about me being here for a year (yee-yee!) 


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