It's Confession Time Again

Recent events have led to me making the decision to write another one of these posts.  The last one that I did like this was posted in July-ish if you're still a fairly new reader and would like to see the inspiration behind both of the posts.  And with that, here we go.....

  • If you see me glaring when walking past you, that's because I'm doing one of the following things 1) You've done something to hurt me (least likely) 2) I'm not quite sure what to say to you and a glare is quite unfortunately one of my normal facial expressions when I'm not doing anything all too specific (most likely) 3) Something has just happened that upset me (middle of the road).  So in short, about 50-75% of the time I wouldn't take it personally.  Always feel free to say hi when you pass me, I will be more than happy to talk with any of you who are my friends or that I haven't quite met yet. 
  • I am not a fan of being sent completely random text messages that don't even form a sentence. I just got one this morning that read "he". It must have been some type of secret code for something completely random, and that could be a fun adventure right? 
  • I miss my camp friends, especially a certain small group (you guys know who you are).  If we were all within say an hour or two hour's driving distance it would be so much fun!  
  • I don't like people who talk about others behind their back at all, even if they're friends with that person.  You guys should be enjoying yourselves, not picking apart each other's actions. 
  • Getting me out of bed in the morning is like President Obama getting a third term in office. 
  • I don't enjoy flirting and trying to hook up with girls right off the bat after meeting them.  Yes I understand that for some of you this is normal, but not for me.  I have to get to know the person first.  I'm glad I got some flirting tips over the last week or so. 
  • If you're going to tell me something, tell the whole story in one conversation, and do it as truthfully as possible.  I'd much rather be hurt or know something needs to be fixed now, and not two months after the initial conversation. 
  • I dislike having to struggle to get people to do things. 
  • When heartbroken, the first stage I tend to go into is denial.  This is followed by acceptance, more denial, acceptance, a slight bit of anger, a dash of joy, denial, and the cycle continues for a few days. I think that the reason I keep failing to meet the one who will love me unconditionally is because I already have met the one who does, and it's a secret as to who it is.
  • Going off of the last one, the perfect girl for me is like this: Smart, funny, sweet, kind, never afraid for a new adventure, and one who believes in the LORD Jesus or is willing to welcome Him into her life, something only she will be able to do herself. And as I've stated before I only want 2-3 kids, not 6-10.
  • I want my wedding ceremony to be the biggest non-alcoholic party of family and friends you've ever seen. 

I hope these truths have helped you to get to know me better.  If you have questions on any of them, don't hesitate to drop a comment.   


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