Christmas At The Movies: What Looks Exciting

Well we're nearing the true Holiday season with Thanksgiving in 10 days (yee yee), followed by Trampling Everybody Around You Day (or as the retail world calls it "Black Friday"), and then Small Business Saturday.  After that it's officially Christmas time, and oh the wonderful, sometimes almost magical things that happen between December 1st and 25th. Lights, decorations, happy people, delicious food.  It's all so amazing that seemingly for this time of the year most or all of the world can come together.

The 2014 Holiday Season looks to be quite interesting in terms of new movies opening.  Here are the ones that look interesting to me.  Release dates are noted as some have come out already. 

The Theory Of Everything (11/7) This film stars Eddie Redmayne as the great scientist Stephen Hawking. The film mostly compiles the courtship of Hawking and his first wife Jane while also giving quite the accurate description of Hawking slowly losing mobility and the ability to speak.  I'm reading this had a limited release in five theaters on it's opening weekend but I'd think that's changed....? 

Big Hero 6 (11/7) Here's one for the kids out of the always churning Disney factory.  I love robots, and this film has one.  Also from the trailer it looks to have something for all of us young and old, big and small.  I was already alerted to a very unfortunate spoiler through one of my sister's friends and of course I won't share that here, but I'm not sure if I want to see this one now..... 

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (11/21) The beginning of the end as most would say it.  I absolutely love the way these films are executed.  There's always that sense of realism that some other films (cough-cough Percy Jackson cough-cough) just don't have.  I also enjoy watching Philip Seymour Hoffman (RIP) and Woody Harrelson act out their characters.  They're both so good at it! 

The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (12/12) LOTR fans rejoice the prequel is ending!  I don't think this series is necessarily one of my favorites but I enjoyed the first movie and have yet to see the second one.  I know a few certain people who are absolutely going crazy counting down to this one ;) 

Annie (12/19) A remake of the 1970's classic starring  Quvenzhané Wallis in the titular role of Little Orphan Annie as well as Cameron Diaz (another one of my faves) and Jamie Foxx.  Of course the story is going to be modernized slightly but it'll be worth the watch. 

Which films are you looking forward to these next few weeks?  Drop a comment! 


  1. Haha. You mentioned the 3rd Hobbit. Naturally I have to go on a rant now. :)
    Just kidding, I won't be too annoying... just thought I'd mention that the majority of LOTR fans are more heartbroken than happy that it's all ending. Sure we're excited, but it's sad that this is the last film. I think LOTR non-fans are the ones rejoicing. :) We are pretty insane, you know that, but I appreciate how you put up with it anyway. Also, I'm curious to see how the re-make of Annie will turn out. Sometimes old movies just stay the best, but in some cases they do get better.
    30 days left till the Hobbit.... (I have problems.)
    I'm also super excited for the holidays... we got our first "official" snow of the year & I've been out playing in it (yes, 6-year-old at heart) a couple times so far. Now I realize what the true meaning of Christmas is, but somehow a Christmas without snow isn't quite the same. So I've been in a Christmas mood lately. :) You Minnesotans have completely different stories, however... you probably had snow in September. :) (halfway kidding... nothing against your state!)

    1. Hey you never know, maybe they'll make sequels to the three LOTR movies like they're doing with Star Wars next year. And yes, you guys are pretty insane.

      I love the Holidays, but I've never been a fan of how Thanksgiving has been thrown by the wayside to make room for Black Friday and Christmas deals starting as early as 11/1. I'm interested to see what type of traffic comes through the Walmart I work at in the coming weeks.

      I haven't exactly had the chance to go play in the snow yet, unless you call pushing carts at Walmart "playing" haha my sister and I will get out there eventually but for now..... Our first snow came in October, so we've been under for a little while now and as always, there's more on the way! :)

      ~DJ Rollie D

    2. Well tbh I'd rather be insane than boring. :) You'd agree with me right?
      Hope Black Friday doesn't get too crazy for ya... normally I never bother going out into the frenzy. I kind of want to this year but I'm at a football game instead...
      Can you believe Thanksgiving is already a week away?? We were JUST at summer camp!

    3. Oh absolutely! Being insane is ten times better than being boring! That's probably why Lydia and I are both insane to a certain degree.

      I got the 4:30-9:30 evening shift for Black Friday, which is when all the deals and steals will have ended and everyone will have gone home in victory or defeat for the day. Oh well at least I'll be useful!

      And I know right? It's hard to believe that it's been five months since camp and a month since we saw each other at fall retreat. Oh how time flies! It's almost time to start figuring out how many weeks I want to try and spend at camp next Summer.....? We shall see!


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