
Does music tend to seemingly flow through you sometimes?  Like you'll just be sitting there working on your math homework or driving back home after a long day, and BAM! there's the tune out of nowhere that you just start humming to yourself, or in some cases, sing out loud.  Or maybe there's that song that you just cannot get out of your head no matter how hard you try?  Or there's also that song that you can't wait to get a chance to listen to again.

Music is awesome for many reasons.  It calms us down after a long day, sometimes matches hard times and trials and triumphs in our lives, pumps us up for sporting events, helps us through the hard times, allows us to show our love for others.  There are many more but those are the ones coming to me right now.

I have listened to many varieties of music over the years, only just this Summer getting into the Christian genre officially.  I absolutely love Country, Pop, some 80's Rock N' Roll, Techno Funk here and there.  My DJ job has opened me up to a lot of different tunes.

Here are some of the songs I've been enjoying recently...........

  1. A Great Big World's "Already Home":  A Great Big World seems to specialize in these sad slow songs, having rocked the charts with last year's "Say Something", which I still enjoy every now and then, but this one easily tops it with me.  The song is basically a guy telling a girl who lives far away that when she misses him, she should think of him being there.  It's a powerful little song to listen to. 
  2. Eric Church's "Springsteen": It's hard to believe this one is two years old already!  Just the smooth continuous rhythm and the ending part are what makes this song enjoyable for me.  It's almost like a faster-paced lullaby.
  3. Casting Crown's "Thrive": Like with most of the Christian music I've heard, I have no idea whether it's newer or from ten years ago.  That being said, this song's twangy beat is lovely, and it conveys such a simple message to believers and non-believers alike. 
  4. Phil Wickham's "Beautiful": So slow and beautiful, and again it conveys a message.
  5. American Author's "Best Day Of My Life": This is the type of song you'd hum to yourself before school each morning.  Remember that every day, no matter how grim the circumstances may seem, will be beautiful in some way shape or form.  Stay happy folks! 
  6. Imagine Dragon's "On Top Of The World": Another good vibes song with a catchy beat and a lot of clapping.  The music video for some reason connected itself to Neil Armstrong's 1969 Moon Landing and I'm not sure why but it's an interesting video. 
What tunes have interested you over the past few years or throughout life? Drop a comment!  


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