Tagging Books With Chocolate Flavors


My friend Lily, as well as her sister Sarah, both have recently done an activity that bloggers refer to as the "Chocolate Book Tag", in which we assign books to a certain type of chocolately flavor.  First, a little bit of back story.  I have enjoyed reading books for many years, having been able to read fluently since age 3.  I have not enjoyed chocolate all that much though except for the little candy-like things such as Kit Kat and Twix, which I've only really been eating since age 11 (2008).  So, with that out of the way, here you go! 

Dark chocolate (a book that covers a dark topic): "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck (Read Fall 2014).  This book covers the absolute nitty gritty of life, discussing everything from women locking their families inside houses and setting them alight, life and death, and lots of other things that I'd probably be shouted at for mentioning on this blog.  If you ever have CEP Intro To The Novel at Cherry, you will be reading it. 

White chocolate (a light and humorous read): "Red Green's How To Do Everything" by Steve Smith in character as Red Green (Read Fall-Winter 2012-13).  For those of you looking to find the "real man" way to do things, these books are for you.  Red Green became famous for his absolutely ridiculous methods of fixing things, and that shines through in this book. 

Milk chocolate (a book with a lot of hype that you're dying to read): "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.  Even though I've seen the first two movies and will probably see the last two, I could still read the books I think. 

Caramel-filled chocolate (a book that makes you feel goo-ey inside): "Chicken Soup For The Soul" by Various (Read Fall 2010-present).  These Chicken Soup stories are really meant as self-help for people who think they need to get their lives in order but I see them as touching personal stories that a lot of people don't have the courage to share with millions like they do here.  The books cover a wide variety of topics and if you're heart doesn't feel like burning melted chocolate after you're done with them you might just not have a heart. 

Wafer-less kit kat (a book that surprised you): "Found" by Margret Haddix (Read Winter 2008)  The ending of this book surprises me in that it just plows right into the next one without stopping.  Yay for the author! 

Snickers (a book you're going nuts about): The one I'm writing once I get back on track with it.  Still need characters if any of you have suggestions. 

Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows (a book you turn to for comfort): The Garfield Series.  The adventures of Jon Arbuckle and his pets never fail to amuse me with the simple humor the strip contains.  Also the Peanuts and Fox Trot comic strips. 

A box of chocolate (a series you feel has something for everyone): The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling (Read September 2006-August 2007).  OK so I actually started with the third and went 4-6 then 1, didn't read 2 because I thought the movie was boring, then read 7 after staying up until midnight at Walmart to be one of the first people in the Central Time Zone to bring it home.  This series makes you wonder what life could be like with a Hogwarts acceptance letter, and Hogwarts always feels like home to these guys, kinda like SBL does for me.  The adventure always paces the storyline nicely, and there's a plethora of characters, most of which get killed off for pointless reasons in Book 7 but serve a purpose at least.  Read this series if you haven't already.  Almost 10 years later they still prove to be my favorite books of all time.

No nominations because both my friends who have blogs have already done it. 

Updates for those who want them: 1 week until my Fargo trip! Hooray!

The first NED meeting was today and it went swell!  I hope everyone comes back to the Spring one :) A lot of people seemed happy to see me, and the person who lost her re-election bid to me last year even came over and said hello and asked how I was doing!  How sweet of her! :) 

Jonathan Hanson, a camp friend who lives in WI and produces Christian music albums, approved my drum track that I sent to him for his song "Rusty Swords".  Now we just have to see if his friends want to hear me playing in the background.

A radio station in my area is holding a contest to see who can record the best filler.  Hmmmmmmm.....? 


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