On Love & The Best Love Songs I've Ever Heard

Valentines' Day comes only once a year, and every year, it sends me into a state of pure elation.  I start feeling like I'm in absolute love with the world and want to get to know every single living person on the planet.  There's always the "Anthem Song Of The Season" that pumps me up and goes on constant repeat until March 1st hits and I can't stand it anymore so I move onto other music, and the sudden desire for things like Dove's annually released heart-shaped chocolates and heart pizzas, and of course GIANT chocolate chip cookies.  In one of the worst months of the Winter season, I always have an awkward smile on my face that doesn't really go away.....

Love is always something I've tried to have as a feature, even in the toughest times of my life thus far. While it might not always be apparent, I try to be (assuming we have no disagreements or arguments/feuds) compassionate and welcoming to all who cross my path.  I also strive to be a good listener and attempt to hear out the problems someone might be facing, following it up with as much encouragement as possible to pick up someone's spirits, because it does hurt to see someone you know hurting, and it also goes for people you've just met.

On personal love, I have my family and my friends, and that's really about it at the time of this writing.  I have a passionate love for God as well and am working to develop my spirituality.  I also am now striving for self-love, which includes some form of exercise, less fatty food (pizza, pasta, and Chinese are some of my regularly consumed meals), and a better sleep schedule (even number of hours a night across a week).  I am hoping that this will help me get healthier and be able to continue doing what I love for as long as possible, as well as starting a family, which brings me to my next point....

I have yet to have a relationship in my lifetime.  This is completely alright with me, and I know that the right is one coming and will come at the right time.  Hopefully she is absolutely amazing, whoever she is.

This Valentine's Day, if you have a Valentine, I hope you have an amazing time.  If you're like me and don't have one yet or are not planning on getting one, I hope you have a wonderful day and/or wish you the best of luck in finding one.  And trust me when I say this: Love will come :)

Now, this wouldn't be a blog post if I didn't include some form of music right?  After all, the second half of the title is "The Best Love Songs I've Ever Heard".  So let's take a listen to some of them together shall we....?  These range from sibling love, to spiritual love, to love between two people, to creepy love. Enjoy!

Kenny Chesney & Mac McAnally: Down The Road

Rascal Flatts: Skin (Sarabeth)

The Honeydogs: Little Sister

Zac Brown Band: Loving You Easy

Zac Brown Band: My Old Man (Brand New This Week)

James Taylor: How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)

Weird Al Yankovic: Jackson Park Express (Do Not Share This With Young Kids - Listener Discretion Advised)

Mercy Me: Dear Younger Me

Rend Collective: You Are My Vision

Phil Wickham: Beautiful

Dolly Parton & Kris Kristofferson: From Here To The Moon & Back (From Joyful Noise)

Train: Play That Song (This song gets the award for "Anthem Of The Season")

From me to you, Happy Valentine's Day 😃


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