Cool Computer Tricks You Might Not Have Known About (Windows OS)

Computers are the most amazing piece of technology I've ever seen.  In the last twenty years or so they've come up with comparable apps and programs to the camera, the television, games, music, and so much more.  I find myself almost on some type of computer, be it my personal laptop or the studio computers at the NCR Studios almost daily.  They have helped me out so much in the past few years, especially since my hands now cramp up with too much pen/paper writing, making it easier to use the keyboard.

Being on a computer a lot and referring to Google for assistance when I have questions I have come to learn the keyboard pretty decently, including many shortcuts that I have found useful in my day to day activities that require use of a computer.  Today, I just wanted to share a short list of some really easy tips and tricks that you might not have known about, and if you haven't, I hope they make your time at the keys easier.

Let's start with file transfer.  Whether you're sending your latest downloads to Windows Media Player, or moving documents onto a flash drive, here's how to save time moving multiple files to their new destination(s).

  • To move files that are in order from start to finish, simply click the first file that you want to move and hold down the SHIFT key.  Then, scroll down to the last file you want, and click on it.  The files in between the two you clicked on will automatically select and be transferrable.  Easy peasy in my mind.
  • To move files from several different areas of the same folder: Select your first file, and then hold down the CTRL key as you select your other files for transfer.  Once finished, release the CTRL key and bam!

Next, here are some tricks for the Microsoft Word program regarding document creation

  • CTRL+L/E/R will align the cursor on the left, middle, and right sections of the page.
  • CTRL+B/I/U will change the text to the bold, italicized, or underlined formats.
  • In Microsoft 2010 and forward there is a small little eraser with an "A" over it. Clicking this will erase all the formatting from that text you just copied and pasted from the internet.
  • To add a photo into a document and not have it run into your wording, simply clear at least three spaces between one paragraph and the next and insert the picture there.  I prefer center alignment myself but any format works.
  • To add page numbers that continue throughout the document, simply tab left or right from your header or footer, and then click "Add Page Numbers" and select "Current Position"

Microsoft Excel can do some cool stuff too

  • To merge cells together, simply drag the mouse around a field of several cells, and then click "Merge and Center" on the tab up above.
  • To do math: Let's say we have a range of numbers between 1 and 100 in cells A2 through A25 on your spreadsheet.  To add the numbers together, input =SUM(A2:A25) and the result will automatically display.  To subtract two numbers simply enter something like =SUM(A9-A13) and you've got your answer.  To get the average of a data set enter =SUM(A2:A25/24) to get your end number.
  • You can color your cells in Excel.  Simply use the format boxes right next to your text.

Windows Media Player has some cool functions that make it easier to get to enjoying your music faster.

  • You can sync entire playlists to your removable media device by simply dragging and dropping the playlist onto your sync list.  This also works for CD burning.
  • The CTRL and SHIFT keys also work in Windows Media Player to select multiple files.

I hope you've figured out how to solve a computer issue you might have been struggling with :) 

What tips and tricks have you used to deal with issues regarding computer programming and formatting?  Share your thoughts in the comments!


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