What I Think About When Pushing Carts At Walmart
There comes to be a time at Walmart where there is either no cart attendant on duty or the attendant isn't feeling the best. Then because I'm usually the only minor male associate, basically the only guy who won't hurt himself doing it, I get sent outside to clear the corrals. This is why you see me out in the parking lot more often than in the store now.
Now of course, pushing carts gives you a lot of time to think about life and it's various adventures. So, here is what I think about when I'm doing one of the heaviest labor jobs in the entire Walmart store.
- I can't wait to go college!
- Where am I going to go to college?
- I wonder what's on TV tonight?
- Oh no! Don't tell me that's due tomorrow morning! When am I going to get that done?!!!
- I hope things are going well at home!
- I remember that one time at Storybook....
- I can't wait to get out of here!
- I can't wait to go back inside!
- Aw rats! There goes another long line of carts towards a car! Run!!!!
- Does girl X think I'm cute?
- Does girl X like me?
I know this is a pretty pointless post, but sometimes it's a good thing to express what you truly think about while doing tasks from menial to extremely laborous. That being said, I hope to be with Walmart as an employee for a long time yet.
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