It's Getting Colder!

Summer I think more or less officially ended last weekend.  Since then, it's dropped to being anywhere between forty-fifty degrees at night, either being rainy or cloudy most days, and extremely cold nights.  I think it's safe to say we're transferring into our next season....

Fall! Trees changing color and lots of pumpkins and apples and pecans, all in pies!  Halloween and Thanksgiving!  The temperatures that are just perfect for doing just about anything!  It's such a beautiful season, and it showcases God's great creation in the best way possible!

For some people hunting has already gotten underway as well.  I'll be honest in saying that hunting and fishing are not my thing.  It just never interested me in growing up as a kid.  I haven't taken a gun safety class either as I prefer non-violent resolutions to conflicts.

This is one of the shortest seasons we have where I live, and I hope we get some nicer days outside then what we're having right now so we can all get out and enjoy these wonderful conditions.

What's your favorite season?  Sound off in the comments!!!!


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