That One Special Friend

Every once in a while, we gain that one friend of the opposite sex that we tend to take a liking to.  This leads to one of the following.....

  • A friendship that lasts throughout the years without any relationship
  • A relationship that continues through marriage
  • A relationship that has a marriage followed by divorce
  • A relationship that doesn't even hit the marriage stage
  • A friendship that ends once the girl is finally creeped out enough that she no longer wants anything to do with you and would rather file a restraining order than talk to you again.
I've fallen into two categories on this list, the top and the bottom.  Yes that means I have never had a serious relationship.  Does that matter?  Of course not!  I've survived through my elementary and high school years just fine without a special someone hanging around me at times.

But does that mean I haven't tried?  No.  As a matter of fact I've asked girls out on several occasions, and some have even gotten gifts from me before on holidays like Valentine's Day.  I haven't hit the jackpot just yet, but I know I will someday.

That being said, I will also admit that I'm horrible at texting girls that I like, especially the ones that move the conversation along using words like "yeah" and "K" over fifty percent of the time.  Those usually crash and burn within an hour.  I also stink at flirting, which is why you've never heard me say "Hey Beautiful" or use a pick-up line once in my life.  It's just something I'm not quite comfortable with doing yet.  I have other ways to show my love for girls that have found a spot in my heart.

Before I leave you today, here are some quotes from friends who have tried to give me flirting advice before.  To retain anomyniity, they are not named.

"Don't randomly say 'potato' out of the blue when you're texting"

"Always go for the girl who's smarter than you spiritually.  She will guide you on your journey."

"Some girls just like the small stuff.  They don't want to be hassled with bigger things."

"You'll find someone someday"

"You need a girl who will love you unconditonally, basically someone better than me."

That being said, I'll find the right one someday, and hopefully whoever ends up being the one, is the one who is the funniest, the sweetest, the kindest, and the one who's not afraid for a new adventure.


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