
Showing posts from October, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Well, today's the day.  That day when children and adults like will go up to the doorsteps of families in their neighborhoods and immediately demand candy, but in a cute way.  Yes it's hard to believe that the simple cry of "Trick or Treat!" could be so....well.....rude in a sense, but since it's the holiday we put up with it right? Of course this day has a name, even though the premise is that people dress up in costumes (one of my classmates is dressed up as a dog, collar included!) and that kids get candy.  It's Halloween! One of my favorite holidays, and the official midpoint of my favorite time of the year (9/1-12/31).  I remember being a little munchkin, always throwing on costumes and going trick-or-treating at the mall or dancing around at my old school's Halloween Carnival that the PTSO put on.  We'd roam the halls together and show off the costumes that either our parents created or we bought from the store.  Man I miss my old school! But ...

Oh Happy Day!

Today was a very happy day for me.... and that's weird being it's a Monday (my least favorite day of the week during the school year). Here's what happened. 1. I finally got the ball rolling with Iowa State 2. I have a place to stay when I visit NDSU in a few weeks here. 3. Got my first Cotton Chronicle article sent off, and it looks great :) 4. Got new shoes. My other ones were looking extremely ratty. 5. I AM GOING TO PROM!!!!! Start the happy dance guys! I can't wait! I was never expecting a yes 24 days after the fact! My first "yes" from a girl too. Oh man I'm bubbling over now! So yeah, lots to be happy about at the end of the day. I wonder what'll happen tomorrow....?

The College Search 2: NDSU v. ISU

My "serious" college search is starting off relatively well.  After several e-mails back and forth with a broadcast journalism program director at NDSU, I have a tentative campus visit set for Friday, November 14th, which will include a full campus tour, admissions appointment, and a look at the Bison Information Network studio, which is again, where I would hope to get on at some point during my four years there.  I also plan to visit one of the Walmarts to get a hint of the area atmosphere, as I plan to continue with Walmart through college to attempt to keep up with fees for the dorms such as cable and wifi if I have to pay for them as well as slowly starting to work off what will be a huge debt from tutition fees. Man I hope these guys offer up scholarships to MN kids. ISU on the other hand, has not responded to any of my e-mails.  I'm starting to think they want me there on one of their campus visit days, which are Mondays coming up in November, and Monday is liter...

What I Think About When Pushing Carts At Walmart

There comes to be a time at Walmart where there is either no cart attendant on duty or the attendant isn't feeling the best.  Then because I'm usually the only minor male associate, basically the only guy who won't hurt himself doing it, I get sent outside to clear the corrals.  This is why you see me out in the parking lot more often than in the store now.  Now of course, pushing carts gives you a lot of time to think about life and it's various adventures.  So, here is what I think about when I'm doing one of the heaviest labor jobs in the entire Walmart store. I can't wait to go college! Where am I going to go to college? I wonder what's on TV tonight? Oh no! Don't tell me that's due tomorrow morning! When am I going to get that done?!!! I hope things are going well at home! I remember that one time at Storybook.... I can't wait to get out of here! I can't wait to go back inside! Aw rats! There goes another long line of c...

The College Search

So, today I was looking at colleges. For me, the ideal college includes the following..... 1. A TV station that lets students on air 2. Reasonable distance away from home and camp (12 hours or less) 3. Friendly staff 4. Higher chance of getting a job after commencement. That being said, I've found three colleges with highly regarded stations and good atmospheres. They are.... 1. Iowa State University 2. North Dakota State University 3. Drake University I like ISU the best currently, as they have a diverse program lineup that runs throughout the whole day, including a half hour newscast and a fifteen minute express news. It'd be a great school to launch me into broadcast journalism! My friend also tells me they have one of the best journalism programs in the country! I also heard today that I can start sending in registration papers (yay). I think I finally have this narrowed down!  Start the happy dance! 

Prepping To Lead NED 2: Even More Moose!

Things are going quite swell with the Northeast Division so far this year.  I got the Twitter password changed and now myself and the other four executive board members can tweet on there as we wish.  For the first month I've been doing the bulk of the tweeting but there's nothing to say that can't change. We've also reached out to the division for their input on new cheers to use at State, in an attempt to hopefully change things up a little bit from the moose face, which is in most of our cheers (and with good reason).  A school already has one they want to show us at the division meeting, so that's good. Homecoming weeks are pretty much over and done with for the year now, and I've been getting pictures right and left to put up on the Twitter feed and on our website.  I am just loving the way technology has been being used by us so far this year! The week of November 2nd looks to be a busy one.  Sunday and Monday will see my friend DJ and I traveling to...

Prom 2015: An Ongoing Saga

Since the last time I talked about prom last month, ideas have started to swell in my class from the simple to the wildly absurd that will never happen.  Here are some of them for you to agree or disagree with in the comments Fire and Ice: Pretty self-explanatory  African Jungle: As described by one of my classmates " We fry up the chicken and serve the pink lemonade and watermelon.  It's basically like a barbecue! " The $500 Prom (my idea): Have someone's parents cook the food, take pictures outside with a poorer quality camera, and dance the night away to someone's boombox.  Also use paper and plastic so it's disposable at the end of the night. Masquerade: Mask your true identity from everyone besides your date and have no regrets by the end of the night right? Well when you're built like me.... WRONG! The "Acid" Prom: This one comes from my friend Issac, or as we like to call him, Pablo. " All but one of us would take a dose of ac...

Clipboard Man

Overt the last month, the Ebola virus has surged to become a thing Americans worry about every day.  It's on the news, it's parodied on SNL, and it's always brought up in jokes by teenagers and college students. It's been known until now that Ebola is contagious and can be caught by anyone who's around an infected patient. Hazmat suits seem to be the norm when dealing with Ebola patients as well as gloves. But then on Thursday, this image surfaced on the internet...... .......and Americans went ballistic.  Who was this man not wearing a hazmat suit and carrying a clipboard walking so close to an Ebola infected patient?  Wouldn't he be infected with the disease too?   And then probably the biggest question of all: Is the American media lying to us about Ebola?  Now, the media has been known to lie to us before.  CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and countless others constantly fabricate the news stories to get their opinions out to viewers, especially...

A Laugh For Your Tuesday

Me dressed up for Gender Swap Day during our school's Homecoming week.  It feels so weird dressing as a member of the opposite sex. 

That One Special Friend

Every once in a while, we gain that one friend of the opposite sex that we tend to take a liking to.  This leads to one of the following..... A friendship that lasts throughout the years without any relationship A relationship that continues through marriage A relationship that has a marriage followed by divorce A relationship that doesn't even hit the marriage stage A friendship that ends once the girl is finally creeped out enough that she no longer wants anything to do with you and would rather file a restraining order than talk to you again. I've fallen into two categories on this list, the top and the bottom.  Yes that means I have never had a serious relationship.  Does that matter?  Of course not!  I've survived through my elementary and high school years just fine without a special someone hanging around me at times. But does that mean I haven't tried?  No.  As a matter of fact I've asked girls out on several occasions, and some have...

It's Getting Colder!

Summer I think more or less officially ended last weekend.  Since then, it's dropped to being anywhere between forty-fifty degrees at night, either being rainy or cloudy most days, and extremely cold nights.  I think it's safe to say we're transferring into our next season.... Fall! Trees changing color and lots of pumpkins and apples and pecans, all in pies!  Halloween and Thanksgiving!  The temperatures that are just perfect for doing just about anything!  It's such a beautiful season, and it showcases God's great creation in the best way possible! For some people hunting has already gotten underway as well.  I'll be honest in saying that hunting and fishing are not my thing.  It just never interested me in growing up as a kid.  I haven't taken a gun safety class either as I prefer non-violent resolutions to conflicts. This is one of the shortest seasons we have where I live, and I hope we get some nicer days outside then what we're having...