Happy Halloween!
Well, today's the day. That day when children and adults like will go up to the doorsteps of families in their neighborhoods and immediately demand candy, but in a cute way. Yes it's hard to believe that the simple cry of "Trick or Treat!" could be so....well.....rude in a sense, but since it's the holiday we put up with it right? Of course this day has a name, even though the premise is that people dress up in costumes (one of my classmates is dressed up as a dog, collar included!) and that kids get candy. It's Halloween! One of my favorite holidays, and the official midpoint of my favorite time of the year (9/1-12/31). I remember being a little munchkin, always throwing on costumes and going trick-or-treating at the mall or dancing around at my old school's Halloween Carnival that the PTSO put on. We'd roam the halls together and show off the costumes that either our parents created or we bought from the store. Man I miss my old school! But ...