Some Back To School Humor

I have to give my friend Lily a little credit for this one, as we were recently talking about how some school subjects can be so hard to grasp the concept of and/or pass.  In that same conversation, we also began joking about what classes were really like, and I just had to share some of these.  Anyways, thanks much Lily!

Trigonometry: I'd rather slice my face in half!

Grammar: Why does our nation even try anymore?

Government: Burn out your brain learning about procedures in Washington D.C.

Entrepenurship: Watch ideas you know are horrible be put into marketing use.

Biology: A class purposely created to make you fail or come close to failing your sophomore year.

Calculus: Ugh!  I really don't want to take that class!

And here are some more!

Gym Class: Pretend you're excersicing, then go right back to talking about your hot date this weekend over the phone with your friends that are sitting right next to you.

Keyboarding: You'll still be stabbing at one key each five seconds forever!

Algebra: You rocked at math until the alphabet got involved!

Take this with you as you go back to school, and remember that you will pull through and graduate someday!


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