Roles I'd Like To Give A Try

Some of us will watch TV shows and think "Man! I really wish I could give that role a try!" Or, we see an animated character and want to give our vocal spin to it. Or maybe we hear a radio DJ and think we want to be there, or maybe somewhere else.  Anyways, here is a brief list of roles I'd like to give a try.  Most of them in all reality will probably never happen in my lifetime, but hey, you never know.

  • Anchor Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update Segment: Some of you have heard me talk like a news anchor before, and most of the way I talk when I talk like that is inspired by the people of this segment.  I could spit those jokes out pretty well I think.
  • Announce Saturday Night Live's Opening Titles: This one may be a little touchy with some being Don Pardo just passed away a week ago, but I'd like to do this too.  It'd be a flashback to my days of announcing basketball starting line-ups, even though that really wasn't all that long ago.
  • Play Along as the Sidekick on Blue's Clues: This is probably the dumbest one of them all, but I'd like to do this.  I've always had a connection with children, and even though I'd be nowhere near them while filming this, it'd be interesting to see how I'd do as host. 
  • Provide Voice-Over Narration For Children's TV: Again, I really enjoy children, and this would be another route to take.
  • Voice Garfield: He's a lazy fat cat, I'm a fat human.  There's a bit of a connection there, but of course let's remember that one's not real. 
  • Voice Stewie From Family Guy: Oh man, the fun I'd have with this character! 
  • DJ The Morning Show On My Local Radio Station: This one's self-explanatory. 
Now it's your turn if you want to.  What have you always wanted to do that's a pipe dream?  Sound off in the comments! 

Before I go, here are some links to the recent videos I uploaded of my neighbor Gus.  The second one involves an expletive from someone off screen so please view with caution 

Lastly here's a link to a video my Tunisian exchange brother took last winter that's almost like a demo reel of my starting line-up announcing.  For those of you who didn't see it on Facebook or don't have a Facebook here you go. 

At the drums in about August 2007


  1. Go for these, all of them! Haha they're great. Never put limits on your dreams. You never know what'll happen. You'd be a fantastic news anchor.

    1. Haha thanks Lily! I think you'd be great at #1 too!


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