Back To School

It's already started. Back-to-school ads are popping up everywhere, our fall sports practices have begun or will be beginning very soon, and we're counting down the days until we either start up the car in the early hours of the day or hop on a school bus to go further our education some more.

Summer vacation seems to fly by faster each and every year, and it'll seem like once we finish eating our fair food and riding rides until we puke, that it's already that time.  I'll admit that Summer Vacation really ought to be longer (how does six months sound?),  but through school we learn more than what 2+2 equals.  We learn people skills, life skills, who we really are, etc..... We also usually find out what we're really good at (technology, art, woodworking, etc....)

For me, school will start on September 2nd, and I'm actually pretty decently excited.  My school will have a new principal,  and my district will have a new superintendent who's already updated a bunch of the district's policies.  Both the superintendent and principal hail from the same area, so they've worked together in the past.

My school is also getting a expansion because more classrooms are needed.  I have a love for when things are new, so I'll probably spaz out about this to be honest.....

And on top of this all, I'm running NED (woohoo!) This year is going to be so exciting!  I'm basically on the executive board with four other people who are very nice, and we work together on everything that would come up in our area, which basically encompasses 5-6 counties up where I live, and that's a pretty huge area.  The Student  Council State President is a nice guy too.  I can't wait to get started in the next couple of weeks here!

Football and Boys Basketball Managing are calling too.  This work has been my passion for the past six years.  I'm hoping for good seasons for both teams :) Maybe even a trip to State.

Good luck to everyone heading back to school over these next four weeks or so.  I know I can't wait!


  1. Yay, you get to wait till after Labor Day. I start the 25th so I'm pretty happy, since I thought I'd have to start on the 11th. Whew.
    Summer was so.short. this year. I so agree about the back to school ads and the fair stuff. XD You worded it perfectly. Good to hear about your upcoming year, hope it's a blast!

    1. Thanks Lily! I'm sure it will be.

      Actually, I've always wanted school to start the Monday before Labor Day, and start at 8:00 instead of 8:30 so we have more free time in the evenings. But with an hour long bus ride either way I should probably be happy for the later start time.


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