The Life Game

This morning in Algebra III, or as my camp friends like to call it "nonexistent", our teacher introduced us to a game we will be playing over these next few weeks, trying to show us how math is used in real life since for many of my fellow Juniors and quite possibly myself this will be my last Math class for my high school career.

The game involves us living in either the suburbs or busy downtown of a city called Rivertown, or across the river in a smaller city called Welchville.  Today we just figured out where stuff was on the map, but in the coming days we will be applying for a job, paying expenses, and getting an apartment just to name a few of the activities.  It looks to be a fun end to my Math class for the year.

Now, I do feel that there's possibly a secret thing our teacher is trying to show us with this game, and that is that the cost of living is not going to be pretty and that we should spend and budget our money wisely.  Life does involve a lot of money, and I think that this game, unless the costs are inflated or lower than where they should be of course, is going to show us exactly that.

This game comes at a time when I've been thinking a lot about life in the recent months.  Now owning a business, I'm not sure if moving to Fargo or Ames to go to college is the best idea, being that I would have to find a staff of broadcasters large enough to cover for the four years that I'm gone. I could also switch my planned major and do business management instead, but that's not really what I'm looking for and if Free Range Sports ever does bomb and go out of business I'd be in trouble.  I still feel that broadcast journalism is a safe occupation, but with middling yearly salaries and a declining job market it is slightly worrisome.

It seems like I will have a lot to consider over the next fifteen months, and I'm hoping that the LORD will provide spiritual guidance in these decisions as well as my friends family and neighbors.  One thing is for sure though, and that's if I ever get famous any of my friends that want to go with me are most certainly coming along for the ride to do whatever they'd like to do.

It's going to be a crazy one to five years, and I'm ready for all of it!


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