The 2014-15 School Year: Hitting The Highlights

Well, today is the last day of my Junior year, and I can honestly say I'm in disbelief.  How the school year went by so fast I have no idea, and apparently, neither did my GPA as I failed Math for the second half of the year and am borderline failing Science.  Thankfully these are the only two classes effected so that I don't have to repeat the 11th Grade.

Below are some of the best moments of my Junior year, and they're the events that really helped shape my Junior year into what it was.  It's had it's ups and downs, but some events have really shone through the rest.

  • Taking Over The Varsity Football Announcer's Position (September): Oh the fun I've had with this one.  Attendance was on the downward trend in the Fall but I still loved having my voice be the one to accompany the games.  Can't wait until next year! 
  • Becoming A Business Owner (March): Free Range Sports is mine and I still can't believe it! Can't wait for the next adventures starting this Fall! 
  • Prom (April): Originally asking the first girl I wanted to take back in October and having that fall flat on it's face in March, I wandered around for a while wondering what I was going to do. Eventually the problem took care of itself and I was able to have an awesome time. 
  • NED President (September-April): Leading an entire division for a year has it's ups and downs, like forgetting to send an email to about 5-10 people for a few months (oops). The pride and prestige that comes with this position is actually quite abundant, but when you think about it's not about that, rather than the fact that you're so lucky to be leading this large group of people. The State Convention proved to be a blast as well, with the division easily rallying and Hot Topic Presentations going better than I thought they would. 
  • Candy Gram Distribution (December):  Every December the Student Council sells and distributes candy canes with little messages on them, and we call them Candy Grams.  This year I was again part of the distribution team, and oh man there's always a lot of fun with that, spending your last day before Christmas vacation with some of your friends spreading Holiday Cheer throughout the halls.  It's too bad that this was our last year because the Department of Health happened to show up the first day we were selling and now we're no longer allowed to sell them because it's a sugary product that goes against the new school lunch program. 
  • Food Drive (December):  Every year the IRYA puts on a Food Drive to help get the local food shelves a good stock before Winter hits.  This year I got to play a pivotal role, being one of the people to help count as well as working to communicate with students to bring in items the next day.  I can't remember who won but I think the final item count was very high here. 
  • Helping The Homeless Drive (January-February):  This one went along with our State Service Project for the year for Student Council.  Cherry put on a community clothing drive that lasted just over a month and brought in hundreds of items that we spent forever counting out in a recently vacated room at the school.  It was long, and got longer when we found out everything had to be sorted by type of item, but it was well worth it when we loaded it all into the trailer for the area shelter we donated it too. 
  • Blood Drives (November, March, & May): Every year our Student Council puts on two blood drives to help save the lives of those in need of blood.  At the first one in November I got to help supervise classes, and oh boy is supervising a classroom for half an hour different from watching a cabin full of kids for a week.  It was fun though and I would definitely do it again. I donated at all three drives, and although the last one involved a misfire of the needle, which is my least favorite part of the donation, I still gave blood.  Blood saves lives! 
And there you have it!  My Junior Year highlights.  It's hard to believe that this morning I can call myself a Senior, and about a year from today, I'll be walking into a gym while Pomp and Circumstance is played by the band.  It's going to be bittersweet I can see it now. 

What are your school year highlights?  Share them in the comments!  Always happy to reply to all of you no matter who you are or where you're from. 


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