That Tagging Post My Friend Is Doing

There comes a time every so once in a while where we want to get to know our friends a little more. That's what this post is designed to do.  I would like to give my friend Lily credit for creating this (or stealing it from someone else), and I'm supposed to tag her in this, and since I'm not sure how to tag, I'm just going to link her blog to this post: Lily's Blog

Some of these questions may not apply to you, but as a fun activity, I ask that you answer them all and share it on your blog.  No need to tag me in it :)  These questions are very fun to answer and some of them do take some thought, but not too much thought. 

1. Spring or fall?  I prefer the Fall.  It just has a happier vibe to it.  Yes, we are starting school again but it's also always so beautiful to watch the world around us change. 

2. Waterparks or beaches?  Beaches most definitely.  I'm scared of most waterslides. 

3. Dream car?  Whatever gets me to where I need to go in a day and doesn't drain gas so fast that I have to stop twice weekly to fill up. 

4. An event you're looking forward to?  Summer Vacation.  I have been so busy this school year it's been unreal.  I'm looking forward to the down time. 

5. Marvel or DC comics?  I've never read the comics but the Marvel movies are loads better! 

6. Coffee or tea? I am a coffee drinker.  Some days I wouldn't survive without it! 

7. If you were a flower, what kind would you be? (I know, what a question.)  N/A 

8. Least favorite color?  Purple and Red (Tie) 

9. Pet peeve? (Only share one, haha.)  People talking about each other behind their backs. Learn to engage in face to face conversation with people about the issues you're having with them! 

10. Dream career?  Anything involving Saturday Night Live or the news or voice acting.  Continuing Free Range Sports would be nice too. 

11. Favorite lesser-known Bible character?  I haven't read too deep into the Bible yet.  Maybe that should be a Summer project..... 

12. Favorite attribute of God?  His steadfast and everlasting love. I also think it's cool how he's just always been there, never having a starting point.  It still does confuse me, but it also amazes me! 

13. If you can pinpoint this time, what age were you when Jesus saved you?  July 2009 was when one of the Story Book Lodge speakers helped me through it.  However, I had my doubts, and in July of 2011 I accepted Jesus Christ into my life officially.  It's been a bumpy road thus far, but I'm sure it'll get better.

14. Favorite character trait in other people?  Anyone who is funny and easy going. 

15. Favorite character trait in fictional characters?  I like the adventurous ones 

16. Dresses or pants?  N/A because I am male. 

17. One of your most embarrassing moments?  Too many to count! 

18. An answered prayer?  I'm not too sure about this one.  

19. Current weather where you're at?  Just your typical bipolar Minnesota weather!  40 degrees and cloudy and snow in the forecast. 

20. A U.S. state you have not traveled to but would like to.  I wouldn't mind going to Maine at all. 

21. How many states have you been in?  My count sits at 20/50. 

22. Have you ever been out of the country?  In Summer of 2012 I traveled to Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, and England.  I still have the pictures on Facebook as well as several books full of scenery and the like.  I also have a little vial of sand from Normandy Beach in Caen, France lying around somewhere. 

23. One boy name & one girl name you'd like for your children.  I'd name a boy Jacob and a girl Kathleen or something like that. 

24. Number of bobby pins you've lost in your lifetime: N/A because I'm male. 

25. Who is your hero, besides Jesus?  I tend not to idolize and worship certain people who I feel have done heroic things.  However, I think that all the people that continue to go overseas to fight in the Middle East are very brave. 

26. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?  Fictional & non-fictional?  My dream would be to continue living in my house that I grew up in.  If that fails my next pick would be Fargo, ND.  For fictional I wouldn't mind living the simpler life back in the 1700's. 

27. What motivates you to work hard?  The thought of someday being able to snag a job that supports my family. 

28. What makes you laugh the most?  I tend to see even the simplest things as some of the funniest things ever, so that's what I would say is what makes me laugh the most. 

29. What was the last movie you went to?  What did you think?  The Divergent Series: Insurgent.  It was pretty interesting. 

30. Who is your favorite author?  J.K. Rowling 

31. Do you have a nickname?  What is it?  My current nickname is DJ Rollie D, and at least as of now it's looking to stick around for quite some time here :)

32. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?  July 9, 2012: My morning started at 6:00am British Time, followed by a 9-hour flight from London to Minneapolis-St. Paul that I didn't sleep on, followed by landing at 3:30 and being up till 10:30pm.  I totaled this up to equal 24 hours, which means that the flight didn't leave until around 1:00pm British Time.  Second longest goes to June 14, 2014, where I started at about 9:00am and did a DJ gig, landing back home at about 5:30am without sleeping.  It was an interesting day. 

33. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?  If it were animated I'd pick my vocal imitators Caleb Melnotte and/or Ted Clement.  If it were real-life I'd pick someone that's about my size and height that's equally as funny.  Maybe Dan Akroyd? 

34. Favorite fast food chain?  Noodles & Company by a longshot.  There is no other place to get delicious pasta in my area without sitting around for 30-45 minutes first. 

35. How many languages do you speak?  My main language is English, with my second being whatever I've grasped onto and kept in Spanish over the years.  I also know some German and French, but please don't ask me to structure sentences using those languages. 

36. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?  I share a birthday with Adam Sandler. Otherwise I'm not actually related to anyone famous. 

37. Are you a clean or messy person?  Don't walk into my room at my house.  Other than that I think we're good and I'm a clean person.  I prefer to keep things clean but I don't make a scene when there's some type of dirt on a table or whatever. 

38. How many pillows do you sleep with?  One for at home and two or three for in hotels because I get the bed to myself.  Soft are preferred over firm. 

39. What did you want to be when you were small?  Someone who drove cars, and that was it. xD 

40. If you came with a warning label, what would it say?  "Warning: Can cause horrible laugh attacks.  Speak at your own risk." 


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