The Big City

Do you ever meet people from far away and just wish that you and all your nearby friends lived in the same city?  I'm willing to bet that if most of us took everyone we've ever met and put them all together living within the same city limits, it'd be a pretty big place right with a population in upwards of a million or two million.

But then let's reverse a little bit of that and assume we're only talking about the people you know from a certain place, I'm going to use the State Student Council Convention as an example, which had about 500 kids total attending it, which may seem huge when you're all inside an auditorium, but in reality, you'd have a pretty small city that'd technically be classified as a town because the population isn't big enough.

Now, I'd love to live in the same city with all the people from NED, Storybook, School, College (once I get there of course), and the State Student Council Convention, which would make for a area with a population about the size of a small city such as Hibbing MN, but not as big as Duluth, MN. 

Of course we all have friends from everywhere, all over the place, and naturally, some will get pushed to the side as we only see them once a year, once every two years, etc.... But that's what technology is for.  Besides, some of your best friends or your most special ones live three hours or more away. So maybe piling into a big city wouldn't be the smartest idea....? 

Enjoy your time with your friends now while you still can, as nobody knows how close you'll remain after the main time you're together. 

A few things before I hit the road today.  First, several of you regular readers are probably wondering why I haven't included a story update since July-ish.  The answer to that is that no real progress has been made.  However, I am still looking for new characters.  Let me know in the comments if you'd like to have a slot, and be aware that your character will be used for anything the author deems necessary. 

Secondly, I may be joining the writing staff of a local newspaper with articles written by teens in the Iron Range area.  The paper's name for those of you who haven't heard of it before is Generation W and it's released bi-monthly during the school year, which makes for approximately 4 issues a year (2 spring and 2 fall).  I have yet to be confirmed for this though, so I'm anxiously waiting.  I'll let you all know how it goes of course! 

Good luck tomorrow as many of you return back to school! 


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