My Thoughts On Doctor Who's New Doctor/Review of Season 8 Premeire

Doctor Who returned on August 23rd after an almost nine-month absence.  And with it came a new Doctor, new adventure, and new emotions.  The new doctor, Peter Capaldi, is a Scottish man in his fifties who becomes the oldest man to play The Doctor since the show returned in 2005.  His doctor is a little bit detached from reality, and is trying to come to his senses once again.  He also looks to be more of a friend towards his companion than a love partner, which is ten times better anyways because who wants to see a show as magnificent as Doctor Who clogged up by relationships?  This is why I dislike David Tennant so much from what I've seen so far of his work.

Here are the things I liked about the premiere episode Deep Breath, which is the only episode I've seen so far.....  I have the other five recorded to watch at some point in the near future (hopefully)

  1. In the opening minutes of the episode, we don't go straight back into the TARDIS like in the last few moments of the last special, instead we go out to the streets of London and catch up with some old friends before the famous blue police box is spotted.  We don't get to see the crash landing, and that is so absolutely wonderful! 
  2. The Doctor opening the door of the TARDIS, only to tell the knocker to be quiet and then shut it again.  These little humorous moments make me laugh lots. 
  3. The whole scene involving the beggar that the Doctor steals the coat from.  Great acting is apparent here, and don't we know it! Plus, the Doctor is starting to wonder about who he really is, and it's a nicely played out scene. 
  4. The fact that suspense remains high throughout the entire episode. 
If you haven't seen the premiere yet because the thought of an older Doctor doesn't interest you, I recommend giving watching it a try.  You won't be disappointed. 


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