Let's Go Rock The Vote!
If they haven't already, voters will head for the polls today to cast their vote for a candidate that they feel is the best candidate to lead the US for the next four years. Most are likely to choose either Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton, and others will choose someone from a third party like Evan McMullin, also known as that Republican not too many of us have heard that much about, or Jill Stein from the Green Party.
I'm not here today to shove my opinions down your throat, but to encourage you to get to the polls, and get there before it's too late. The state of the US is hanging in the balance, and one of these people will get elected and hopefully be able to fix it.
And if you want to try and get your favorite candidate elected, all you have to do is go to a polling place and vote. If you're like me and chose not to register or didn't notice the filing deadline to register, that's our bad and we now have to sit this one out, but there are still plenty of registered voters out there who can go cast their vote for the person they feel is the best choice.
What a crazy election season it's been. Tons of strange things have happened, including the GOP candidates bragging about the size of their genitals, Trump having a tape leaked in which he commented about grabbing women by the genitals, Clinton and her emails, and so many other stories.
And who could forget Bernie Sanders? The loud grandpa type candidate that so many of us got behind at first. I hope he'll try running again in 2020 or 2024.
So that's it for today. Go vote if you are able to do so and God Bless! And I hope you'll join me in watching results come in tonight and tomorrow, because it's something I'm really excited for.
Oh, and enjoy this video mashup song from Weird Al Yankovic that was created after the third debate :) I hope you like it
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