Public Radio Shows That Are Worth Checking Out

Public Radio really has put an interesting spin on radio.  Rather than music 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year, or doing the same thing with talk radio, it finds a way to mix the best of both worlds and create a truly unique experience for the listener.

Over time, listening to several different public radio stations, most recently KAXE, has helped me find some really interesting shows that are always worth another listen and that you may very much enjoy yourself.  Here are some of those shows

The Splendid Table

I first stumbled across The Splendid Table when I was looking to diversify Free Range Sports Radio last December.  The gist of the show is that it's basically a cooking show that goes on a "world tour of food", at least that's what I understood from the few episodes I listened to.  It takes your average cooking show and blows it out of the water.  You can listen to the show here

This American Life

Hosted by Ira Glass, This American Life is one of the funnier and more dramatic shows on NPR, just like the picture above states.  It blends current events into a show that's definitely worth a listen, and I'm hoping it doesn't go away anytime soon.  Take a listen here

TED Radio Hour

The TED Radio Hour takes some of the best TED Talks and puts them out on the radio spectrum for fans and the curiously minded to listen to.  Covering topics from death to politics and from cars to education, this program is sure to have you entranced from start to finish.  Find a show that meets your fancy right here

As It Happens (from the CBC)

As It Happens is one of my favorite shows that currently airs on Northern Community Radio, and I thoroughly enjoy listening to it en route to Bemidji each week.  The show is unique to hear in the US, and it is something you would never see here were it televised versus on the radio, as it is the news from Canada, although it does put a perspective on other countries as well, such as two weeks ago when a US citizen was deported back to South Korea.  They're also not afraid to ask the tough questions that sometimes the journalists here in the US just cannot spit out whatsoever.  You can listen to As It Happens by accessing this link.

Mountain Stage

If you're a fan of the music on Northern Community Radio, this show is a good pair-up for that one.  Mountain Stage is a weekly show that showcases several different artists playing live on stage and has some really cool tracks to it.  My advice for this one is that you check it out by going here

All Things Considered

Best described as NPR's version of 20/20 or Dateline, All Things Considered does not spend all of it's 2-3 hours on the air on one topic, instead choosing to focus on multiple topics, including down to earth chats with artists about recent projects and financial crisis in Greece and Italy.  The show is the true definition of "world news" in my mind, and is always fun to listen to.  Catch All Things Considered at this link

Lighten Up!

Sometimes we all just need a little humor in our lives.  While often putting a Christian spin on topics, and show content,  Lighten Up! manages to make them really funny and always worth a listen.  You can sample Lighten Up! by clicking here

What shows do you enjoy listening to on the public radio spectrum?  Share your thoughts in the comments and feel free to drop a link so we can all have a listen :) 


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