My Musical Stories: Mercy Me's "Flawless"

Christian band Mercy Me have some true talent in their band and format.  They've successfully done full-blown rock numbers (Shake) yet at the same time been able to hone in on a slower song (Word of God Speak), or produce something truly unique that you wouldn't expect from them like their song Greater, which is quite similar to what you'd hear from Rend Collective. The music is appealing and there are definitely times where you just can't help but sing along in your car, or in your basement, or perhaps in your kitchen.  If I had to make a prediction I'd say there's at least two more albums we'll see from them in future years before they consider disbanding or going on hiatus.  To sum it all up, their music is some of the best in the Christian genre.

One of the band's songs speaks out to me particularly, and it came to me at a good time.  It was around July of 2015 that I was going through some stuff and feeling pretty down and not sure where to turn most of the time.  Story Book had just come and gone at this point so I was feeling refreshed spiritually but still not too good emotionally and socially.  It was an awkward time to be me so to speak, and I'm glad that time period has passed, as the time following it has been much better.

I was driving home from dinner with a family from the local church when a song came on the radio that had a nice vibe to it and I felt it warranted another listen.  I quickly pulled out my phone and Shazammed the song and then put the phone down to focus back on the road.

It was later that week when I re-listened to, and absolutely loved, Mercy Me's Flawless.  For those of you who haven't heard the song I definitely recommend giving it a listen even if you're not necessarily Christian.  The song's simple message really drives the point home, and that's that Jesus' death on the cross and our subsequent belief that we are loved and saved by HIM and that we are able to put our trust in him allows us to become "flawless" as the song repeats multiple times.  Add in a really interesting drum track and you're all set.

The song has definitely been able to help me through some hard times over the past year and a half and it can also have a soothing effect on your mind after a stressful day.  It is hands down one of my favorite Christian songs, and I hope you'll enjoy it too.

What Christian songs have appealed to you in tough times?  Sound off in the comments!  Good luck this year deer hunters!


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