What Trainwreck Teaches Us

Amy Schumer is a rising star.  Since launching her show Inside Amy Schumer on Comedy Central a while back her name has been flying everywhere, and that continues now with the release of her film Trainwreck.  I had the pleasure of seeing this film yesterday, and while it's definitely not the best laugh out loud comedy I've ever seen, the film has a lot of heart and tries to show us all something.

That something is that commitment in a relationship can be good.  We watch Schumer's character go from adulterating with tons of guys and "dating" one of them, to having a long-lasting relationship with one of the guys she's writing an article on.  This relationship really takes Amy by surprise, as she doesn't even know what to do or what's normal in a committed relationship.  She is also prone to easy hyperventilation.

As the film goes on things get tense at times between the two, and they almost break up when they take a temporary separation, but both of them miss each other so much that they eventually come back to each other.  The two really care about each other, and it shows throughout the film with the doctor accompanying Amy to her father's funeral, and Amy accompanying the doctor to his special luncheon where he receives an award.

This film really highlighted the type of relationship I want to have someday.  Now, maybe it needs to be taken down a couple of notches because love isn't like the movies, but it hits it pretty close.  I want something where both of us can be supportive of one another and can listen to each other, not where one just walks out after a while for no good reason.  I also want the end goal to be marriage, not to "hit it and quit it".  I know to some that sounds great but to me that's disgusting.

As a friend once told me, you should find the person who makes you happiest and loves you 100%. As another friend told me you should find someone who has more spiritual knowledge than you.  One things for sure though, and that's that we'll all find someone someday :)

If you have anything to share, feel free to share it in the comments!  Thanks a million to those who do leave something from time to time as I really love hearing from you all.


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