Getting Back To Writing

A few weeks ago I picked up a fancy looking journal from Walmart thinking "Why not?".  Now I usually don't buy things out of the stationery aisle because I end up never using them, but this one really caught my eye.  On the front is a picture of Big Ben with a double decker bus rolling in front of it, and it looks awesome!  

In this book/journal, I've started writing some weird memoir/life story.  As of now I'm planning to stay exactly on detail, and I'm hoping that somewhere in the course of time I don't change that.  The plan is that once I've caught up to the present day, I'll just write in the moments that are worthy of the journal.  When I've run out of room in one I'll go buy another and continue the story.  Then once I'm old and graying the memories will be written down and shareable with the family I hope to have.  

I also hope to give the story some type of central plotline as time goes on, but for now I'm just filling in my personal testimony as the exposition of the book.  To me it just seems like the best place to start this thing off. 

This book is different in that I don't plan on sharing it with very many people.  Yes I know that now most of you will be dying to see it, but the answer will be a polite form of "no". 

I'm so excited to be getting back to writing in an actual book.  I've had so many uncompleted projects over the past few years, and I've made the poor decision to toss out some of my very first stories from second grade as well as some poor recreations of the Garfield comic strip (I can't draw animals with four legs).  This project will hopefully get completed at some point, and it's nice to have something to go with my blog again. 

I plan to tell the story of my writing adventures in a future blog post.


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