31 Signs You Attended A Small High School

I'm not usually one to share posts from other websites, but many thanks to Jeremy Argir for sharing this from Country Outfitter.  You're the real MVP Jeremy.

To not copy this post word for word, I have added short descriptions after each of them to personalize them for Cherry HS.  Happy Reading!

1. You knew the name of every single person you walked past in the hallway. Staff included.
           - Yup!  This seems about right!  Sometimes it does take a while to get the name down of that random new kid from another school, but once the name is known it's back to normal.
2. You knew the names of the siblings of all the people you walked past in the hallway. Staff included.
           - I don't but maybe someone else does.  Cherry has a lot of extended family that I've never met because I started going there in the 7th grade.  Maybe someday....
3. You knew every teacher’s first name and where they went to church.
           - I know every teacher's first name, but not where they go to church.  Do I ever address them by their first name?  Only in passing with friends and coaches and co-workers.
4. You knew where all of your teachers lived.
           - This one is sadly very true being that once I hear something like that I will never forget it.  I only know the towns though not the actual location of the house.
5. The dating pool got very small, very quick.
           - The dating pool has been small since I got here, and once one relationship is over, another begins soon.  People really love people around here it seems :)
6. Skipping class was never an option because you were the class.
           - Um no there's always been more than one person in my classes.
7. There was a parking spot for everyone in the parking lot for school, but never for football games.
           - I'm sure that's how it was back in the old days.  People would park in the school lot and walk over to the field.  Maybe this year the attendance will rise again.  As for school days, there's few spots left by the time everyone parks so when the elementary has a major event everyone parks roadside.
8. Your school had more than one section of shop and home economic classes.
           - There are several classes of each offered.
9. There was no school on the opening day of deer season. Seriously.
           - We've had school the day before deer season since it's on a Friday, but some people stay home to continue prep work for the next day.  It's pretty sweet to see what they'll haul in even though I don't hunt myself.
10. You experienced the real-life version of “Friday Night Lights” firsthand.
           - And I've been the host of it!  I love being behind the football mic.
11. Your fancy, formal dances took place in un-fancy places like the cafeteria or the Elk’s Lodge.
           - Yes, which is why we always do as much decorating as possible in preparation for these social gatherings.
12. Senior pictures always meant a letter jacket, an FFA jacket or 4-H Club jacket.
           - Does anybody own a FFA or 4-H Club Jacket?  Never knew they gave those out.
13. Every friend group had one lunch table that they sat at all four years of high school.
           - Yes and who sits where always changes.
14. Your Fridays were booked for the entire school year because no one missed football or basketball games.
           - Yup!  Kinda been obligated to be there every week since 8th grade.
15. In fact, the entire town attended all the sporting events.
           - More or less.  Cherry has an undying support when it comes to sports.  Alumni will come together, parents will yell at referees.  It can get lively sometimes and it's interesting to watch ;)
16. Your classmates always knew who you were dating, sometimes even before you knew.
           - Or they thought I was dating them when I had no intention of doing so at all.
17. You went to school with the same people from kindergarten through your senior year.
           - Nope!  Benefits/drawbacks of moving schools for 7th grade.
18. Bonfires were all you needed for entertainment.
           - Eh they're alright I just don't like spending long periods of time at them.
19. You had a guy friend with a dualie. And you actually knew what dualie meant.
           - Should I feel bad that I don't know what that is?
20. Hunting safety was a class. At school.
           - Yes it was in the community education form.  Never took it myself though.
21. You all started driving at 12 and 14. 12 if you lived on a farm, 14 if you didn’t.
           - Yes my first time behind the wheel was at age 14 in the driveway of one of my mother's friends' homes.  Since then I've improved greatly.
22. You heard, “I had your mom or dad in my class.” More than once.
           - I don't.  My mother grew up in St. Louis Missouri and my father went to school in another town in the area.
23. The kids who were popular in kindergarten were still the popular kids in high school.
           - I'm thinking so....?
24. There was more than one couple who were already engaged by senior year.
           - Not that I know of.  I'm usually the one to find out about things long after they happened.
25. At graduation, everyone’s name with all their awards were announced and it was still over in less than 2 hours.
           - Less than half an hour this year!  20 kids graduating in 2015 from Cherry.
26. Everyone wanted to date the new girl or guy, because, duh. They were new!
           - I took the new girl to prom last Spring actually haha.  Lots of new kids get in relationships really quick here, sometimes almost in the blink of an eye.
27. Sometimes, entertainment was cruising up and down the main drag over and over and over.
           - I've been doing some of that stuff this Summer!
28. You can’t count how many times you thought to yourself, “I can’t wait to get out of this place!”
           - True that!  I'm excited to get out into the world and happy to be grown up!  Being a kid gets old at age 15/16.
29. Everyone wore the same outfits because there were only one or two places to shop.
           - But trips to Duluth fixed that problem!
30. Football players were worshipped. Literally.
           - I don't know on this one
31. But, you can’t imagine having a different high school experience.
           - True.  I could have gone to a big city school and had a certain group of friends and not met half the people, but then I would have lost out on a lot.  I'm glad to be a Cherry Tiger!

Do you feel this list is missing something?  Sound off in the comments!


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