Something Funny I'd Like To Share With You

Some of you might have heard of the Rifftrax franchise before, or possibly the show Mystery Science Theater 3000 (which I'll abbreviate to MST3K from this point on), that aired on Comedy Central and Sci-Fi from 1988-1999.  MST3K actually got it's start in Minnesota on a small cable TV station in the Twin Cities area.  It was cancelled after one year due to poor funding from the station before Comedy Central picked it up and things really got going for the next 10.

From L-R: Crow, Joel Robinson, Mike Nelson, and Tom Servo

For those of you who have never heard of the shows the premise is relatively simple.  MST3K is about a guy trapped on a spaceship with 4 robots forced to watch extremely horrible movies involving anything from teenagers going crazy to cursed toy monkeys.  During the movies the guy (Joel Robinson or Mike Nelson depending on which episode you pick), and 2/4 robots (Crow and Tom Servo), sit at the bottom right of the screen in silhouette form and actively mock the material they're being given.  Their commentary is so amazing that it almost makes the movie watchable.

Rifftrax on the other hand is simply an audio commentary recorded by three of the later MST3K stars (Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy) available for download to watch alongside popular movies. So if you find a movie that you think is bad that has critical acclaim, you might just find it available for download on their website.

Most people look at me and seemingly want to ask "Why would you watch this?".  So today, I am answering that question by sharing a few of the clips with you.  I ask that you take viewer discretion as some of these don't have the most appropriate of jokes in them, and enjoy.  Then share them with other people!  

MST3K riffs a Gumby short. Clip from a 1998 episode

A Rifftrax Hunger Games joke reel. 


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