One Year on Planet Blogger

Today marks the end of my first year on Blogger.  It's been a fun ride writing posts from the very serious to the extremely amusing.  I would like to thank all of you who have checked this thing out at one point or another in the past 365 days.

I would also like to thank those who have commented on my posts at one point or another, or those who have talked to me in public and over the internet.  Your support keeps this blog going as I know I'm actually attracting readers from various points of the country and world and all those page views aren't just from me checking to see if any new comments have been made.

And with that being said, these are the Top 10 posts from the past year in order of pageviews.  They are linked so that if you wish to read them you can click and be transported.

#10 What I Think About When Pushing Carts at Walmart: Views: 18 Original Publish Date: 10/23/14 
#9 Tagging Books With Chocolate Flavors: Views: 19 OPD: 11/6/14 
#8 Oh Happy Day!: Views: 21 OPD: 10/27/14
#7 Roles I'd Like To Give A Try: Views: 23 OPD: 8/24/14
#6 SBL 2014 Through Pictures: Views: 24 OPD: 8/7/14 
#5 What Three Weeks of Camp Counseling Taught Me This Year: Views: 24 OPD: 7/19/14
#4 When Lydia Takes My Phone: Views: 26 OPD: 11/9/14 
#3 It's Confession Time Again: Views: 30 OPD: 11/3/14 
#2 Christmas At The Movies: What Looks Exciting: Views: 32 OPD: 11/17/14 
#1 21 Days: Views: 34 OPD: 10/24/14 

The one thing that surprises me is that all of these posts are from the last six months, and they all have one of the following.....

  • Something about my life, whether it's me expressing my views, assigning something to a group, or talking about something I'd like to do that I probably never will unless I get extremely lucky. 
  • A dash of my humor lies in almost every one of these.  Yes, my twisted sense of humor that people never seem to understand. 
  • All show honesty or some type of emotion. 
Some are very moving, others are just kinda random and thrown in there to break up the cycle, but they all garnered your attention, and for that reason I'm surprised at this Top 10 of my first year here.  It will be interesting to do this again on 12/1/2015 and see what reigns supreme then :) 

With that being said, I have a few questions for whoever reads this before I stop for today. 

  1. How did you find The DJ Rollie D Story? I've posted links literally everywhere! 
  2. What was your first impression of the blog?
  3. What was your favorite post and why?
  4. What type of posts do you want to see over the next year?
You know what they say, you can only go forwards, not backwards.... at least until time travel makes it's way into the market.  It's been a great year, and I can't wait to see what the next one brings! 


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