Do you ever meet people from far away and just wish that you and all your nearby friends lived in the same city? I'm willing to bet that if most of us took everyone we've ever met and put them all together living within the same city limits, it'd be a pretty big place right with a population in upwards of a million or two million. But then let's reverse a little bit of that and assume we're only talking about the people you know from a certain place, I'm going to use the State Student Council Convention as an example, which had about 500 kids total attending it, which may seem huge when you're all inside an auditorium, but in reality, you'd have a pretty small city that'd technically be classified as a town because the population isn't big enough. Now, I'd love to live in the same city with all the people from NED, Storybook, School, College (once I get there of course), and the State Student Council Convention, which would make for a...