Sandal Weather

We're just now finally kinda sorta getting around to Spring here in the Western Minnesota/Eastern North Dakota Area, after several late-season snow storms and temperatures remaining below average for quite a while.  There was also the flood in the Red River Valley, and the after effects that the flood brings each and every year.  However, this was the first major flood that I experienced in Fargo-Moorhead since I moved here in 2016.  I remember seeing the first news reports and then the State of Emergency and wondering what really laid ahead and how bad the flooding would get.  The answer to that is that it never got too bad in the communities of Fargo and Moorhead, but upon leaving the Metro, you really started to see the affects, with small Northern Minnesota towns such as Oslo blocked off and marooned for weeks on end with no way out, and I have to say that the residents of towns closed off by flooding are amazing people for dealing remarkably well with the weather-related trauma.  Kudos to them, and I am very happy that they're able to get out of town now for their needs.

Anyways, it's just finally getting around to the Spring season here, and the weather has been absolutely beautiful save for a few days where the temperatures got into the 80's, all of which I was indoors for because I was working.  I'm not one who enjoys things when the temperature gets above 70 degrees.  Give me something between 45 and 70 and I'm good to go.  As I once told my sister on a cold rainy Spring day, "I thrive in this weather!"  and I couldn't be more right.  As I come back to this blog post a week after I initially started writing it, the temperatures have dropped into the mid-50's for highs and even the 30's for lows.  What a rapid change!

Spring also signals the time for riding bicycles.  In the past week I have gone on two long-distance bike rides around the Fargo-Moorhead Metro as a means of getting exercise.  There's just something so freeing about jumping on a bicycle and riding all over the town.  I challenged myself one Tuesday to ride from NDSU's Wallman Wellness Center all the way to Meadowridge Bible Chapel, and actually made it a few blocks south of there.  The following week (last week), I challenged myself to make it from Barry Hall in downtown Fargo out to the Dilworth Walmart, a store way in the Eastern part of the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area, and I certainly did it.  I'm not doing this to lose weight, I'm doing it to have fun and rehabilitate my legs so I can stand on them for longer periods of time than I currently can.

There are so many beautiful things about Spring, and this year with the bi-polar weather cycles we keep having, I hope you take some time to sit back and enjoy.  Plant some flowers, catch a few fish, go for a bike ride, and rock those sandals for comfort reasons.  Just get on out and enjoy! 


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