Wrapping Up My Time With NED

The MN State Student Council Convention is almost upon us!  It's kinda of like a last hurrah for the year for the kids who know each other because things really slow down after that for most councils. It's also the last time outgoing division presidents host a division meeting, although these are typically less formal than the ones held outside of the convention, and the last time they address a crowd as a division president.  

Do division presidents fade into the darkness after their year is over?  Absolutely not!  Last year's President is still pretty widely known around our division and continues to be quite the active member despite no longer being in a leadership role.  In my opinion that's truly showing your division pride and your love for being in student council as a whole.  I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the people I have met over the last year and can't wait to meet more this weekend. 

I do not regret a single moment of my time spent as President of the Northeast Division this year. We tried our best to increase school participation, and several non-participating schools returned to our Fall and Spring Meetings.  We also made an attempt to get opinions from students in the schools on our state-mandated Hot Topics, and while nothing really happened with that, the positive side is that it provides backing to the fact that not every leadership decision or idea is a good one. We also had two division meetings in very unique places that host less frequently than others.  Both meetings were pulled off spectacularly and I couldn't have felt more at home. 

Let's go have a great time at State this weekend!  Meet new people, build your connections with people, and feel free to be active in group discussions.  If you are going to this conference you are a very dedicated student council member, and can really benefit your council with the information you bring back from there.  If this is what happens at and after the State Convention, I am sure that myself and the executive board will agree that it has been a banner year for us. We truly do have Moose! 


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