A Few Brief Updates

I haven't been on here in sometime again.  I find my 2015 a lot busier than my 2014.  That being said, I thought I'd share a few updates with you as to what's been happening recently.

  • I picked up Free Range Sports, a sports radio station that broadcasts online.  You can tune in on April 7th at 4:30pm CT to catch our first game of the year, which will be a softball game featuring Cherry against local rival school North Woods.  10 more games will follow that one! 
  • Student Council's State Convention is next weekend!  Oh how time flies!
  • Prom is the weekend after that, and I found a date that's very excited to be going with me.  Neither of us can wait! 
  • I am traveling to the Des Moines Iowa area tonight to visit two colleges over the next few days. This should help further along my college decision-making a little bit. 
If you want to know more about any of these things I am always accessible by email.  Or you can comment on this post!

I hope you all have a very happy Easter weekend, and I hope you'll tune in on Tuesday! 


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