Prom 2015

Last weekend was one of the best ever!  It was the 2015 Cherry HS Prom!  I went with a very sweet and kind girl named Odessa, and I have to tell you, I had the best time ever.

Below are just a few of the awesome pictures taken this weekend before and during the event.  I do not have any pictures from after because I did not have a camera out of any type.  Photo credits go to my mother and sister.

 This was one of the first few pictures we took at Odessa's house. 

 I really do have to give credit to my sister on these.  She can make it look so professional!  These are studio quality photos, and I'm posting them here free of charge!  Thanks Lydia! 

Outside of Odessa's house. 

 All the attendees, single or couple got their name(s) spelled out with glitter glue on a butterfly.  Props to my very artistic classmates on creating these!  They looked amazing! 

 Alongside the walkway for the Grand March.  You may possibly know that I really enjoy announcing, and so I was pumped when I was asked to co-emcee this with Odessa and two other people in our class.  It was a great time, and I always quite enjoy hearing the responses as to how I did from you guys! 

 With one of my classmates and my sister. I excel at looking away from cameras! 

 Michelle, Lydia, myself, Gus (neighbor), and Odessa. 

 The table squad for the night minus one!  From left-right we have my friend Lizzy and her boyfriend from down south, Odessa and myself, and then my friends Matt Maija and Bryce.  I just love this picture! 

Odessa and my mother

As you can see, it was a great time being able to be with all of my friends!  It was a great night! 

Updates For Those Who Want Them
  • Free Range Sports is still overcoming some initial struggles.  We only have one sponsor at this point, and we are working around some internet and audio connection issues.  We hope to have these things resolved by the Fall 2015 Sports Season.
  • NED is more or less over and done with for the year since we don't do much after the State Convention.  Time to gather everything I had this year and pass it on to the next president. 
  • I might be emceeing a charity fundraiser in Duluth on June 13th!  This is exciting, as many people in the Duluth area don't know who I am, and after this my name could be out there in a very big way depending on how large this event is. 
  • Walmart is going stellar.  I have recently began working at the Customer Service desk, and that is a very different job compared to the formulaic work that cart pushing and regular cashiering entails.  I only hope to keep doing new things as my time with them continues. 
  • If you are interested in recording commercials for Free Range Sports, shoot me an email and we'll go from there.  This work can be done anywhere in the US as long as you have some type of recording device that makes your voice not sound fuzzy. 

I've also realized this blog has been kind of down on number of posts compared to last year so far, where I was posting every Friday except for when I would take a week off here and there.  I apologize because as you can see, things are getting very busy right now.  I do however have time to post on social media sites, so you can check those out at the following links....

Facebook: Rollie Dethloff

Twitter: @DJRollieD

Instagram: @djrollied 

Here are the Free Range Sports ones too. 

Facebook: Free Range Sports

Twitter: @FreeRangeMN

Instagram: @freerangesports

As always I am available for contact through email: 


  1. Thanks so much for the update! =) Loved seeing the prom pictures. Looks like a blast!

    1. No problem and it was a very fun time! You should have seen it with all the lights and trees and balloons. It looked amazing and the prom committees' hard work paid off!


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