Old Man Winter Just Won't Quit!!!

Winter hit us again up here last night, covering the ground once more with fresh sticky white snow.  Most of it melted before school let out, but that doesn't matter.  We won't be starting our baseball season until next week now unless another freak winter storm happens!!!!

Old Man Winter just won't go away this year, and he didn't until mid-May last year.  He just has to keep biting us in the ass with more and more snowfall each week.  Will he ever quit?  I'm ready for some warmer temperatures and green dry grass, maybe even the smell of fresh fallen rain.  Enough of this Winter!  We just passed up last year for snowfall amounts too!  GO AWAY SNOW!

As for the story, I finally did make some progress this week, moving into Chapter 26, and opening it with a comedic quote that sounds like something that the character that utters it would say.  It's going to be a good time writing the next chapter or two.

Next update is May 2nd!


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