Last Weekend Was AMAZING!!!

Well, my first Student Council State Convention is over, and I have to say it was a great weekend overall!  I got to meet lots of new people, voice my opinion on "hot topics", which are controversial issues concerning Minnesota students, and play some dodgeball with two fellow NED people, and then the Eastern Division.  I don't really relate that to being a traitor, rather I relate it to enjoying what time I have by meeting other people and playing games.

Sunday morning saw us having round tables, and that left me with many ideas to bring back and use in both my school and NED throughout the next year.  Students at my school are looking for changes relating to what we do for Homecoming and Snow Week, and I think we've found them.

Although sleeping was done in hotel rooms, we still had host families that visited with us on Saturday night and then served as drivers the rest of the weekend.  I had a family that was from India, and they were so kind to me and the two others in my group!  They wanted to get to know us, and we wanted to get to know them.  Out of this conversation I also got a good reference from the mother for NDSU, a college I may be interested in attending once I leave high school.

Sunday night saw the delegate/advisor banquet and delegate dance, and what a good time that was!  During the dance, everyone blended in one big group!  You didn't see Brainerd in one corner, Two Harbors in another, St. Cloud in the parking lot, etc..... Everyone just blended together and had a good time for the entire dance.

Back at the hotel, my division raced down to the pool, and started playing volleyball with a inflatable beach ball.  I learned I'm not the strongest server in terms of direction, but hey, it was all in good fun! It's too bad we all had to get out an hour later, because we probably could've gone a couple more.

Monday morning saw the awards ceremony, and two NED schools won Outstanding Student Council Of The Year, and a big congratulations to Cherry and Hibbing on that award.  We also learned where the 2015 Conference will be, and that's in Becker from April 11th-13th.  I already can't wait for next year, where I'll have quite the interesting task list because I'm a division President.

And with all that, I have made no progress on the story again.  Next update is April 18th.


On Monday, Russian and Ukrainian Parliament members began violently beating each other during a meeting.  It's just another day in the life of the Jackass cameramen.

Stephen Colbert was announced as the next host of The Late Show on CBS.  And somewhere in LA, a man is beginning his quest for a murderous revenge.

HHS secretary Kathleen Sebeillus announced she would resign this morning, bringing just one more heartbreak to President Obama's doorstep.


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