Are You Ready For Some Baseball?!!!

This week, I started playing the sport of baseball. I have never played baseball on a regular basis before, and therefore, I am not the best. I have a lot of trouble catching at the right angle, and my throws and swings could be better. But this takes time, and I have improved over the course of this week. With time, I will get better and better. I know there's a slim chance I get on to the Varsity team, but hey, JV in 10th grade isn't exactly signaling an end, so I'm being optimistic for this 2014 season.

The physical exercise from practice though is slowly going to whip me back into shape. Over the last few days when I'm not aching, which is happening less with each day, I feel like I have a new set of legs and that I can run anywhere I want to! I hope that as time goes on, I feel better and better, and then running will come easier and quicker, as I am slower than all but one or two on my team.

It's going to be a great year, and I know improvement is on the horizon.

As for the story, I got a whopping two pages done this week. Will I get this done by the end of the school year? I sure hope so. I'm trying to drive into it, as this is a project that I will be finishing.

Next update is March 28th.


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