A Brief Summary Of The Last Two Weeks

Wow! What a roller coaster ride these last two weeks have been! It feels like I've been losing sleep, but really I haven't. I've just been really busy.

Last Tuesday, I was elected to be the President of the NED, which is a Minnesota Student Council section encompassing around ten schools in the Northeastern part of the state. I managed to beat a incumbent girl from Hibbing who had run the Division for the past year.  Despite my public speaking experience, I was shaking the entire time I gave my campaign speech and answered a question in long speech form. The gym erupted when I won though, and there were congratulations going around at the speed of light!  I even got my name announced over the PA system, which I thought may have been a little over the top, but the recognition was nice.

Friday, I got to decorate for and attend a dance with my friends. I went single, but still had a great time! I was actually put on the spot by some friends and wound up twerking in front of everyone there to a smattering of applause. I also got my first slow dance, and although it was only for half a song, it's something I'll never forget. Thanks person who will go unnamed here.

Then, it was my mothers birthday weekend, and we had a great time snowmobiling and going to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman, a modern take on a 50-60 year old classic. The movie was amazing, and I would definitely see it again!

All this business must mean I've gotten nowhere with the story, but this time you're wrong. Chapter 25 is almost finished, and I have started writing out chapters for later in the book ahead of time to try and get a rough picture of how I'm going to end this thing.  Plots are making sense, and many surprises lie ahead!

Next update is March 21st. Happy Pi Day to all the mathematicians out there!


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