All Minnesota Schools Have Been Cancelled.... YESSS!

So, the news came out this morning that Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has cancelled all the schools in the state for Monday due to the predicted cold temperatures.  Now, seeing as I go to a Minnesota school, I'm very excited for this extra snowday that just came out of nowhere!  I honestly found it quite ridicuolus that we came back for just two days starting the day after New Year's Day.  A few years ago, our winter breaks were two weeks or more.  Now they're just a week and half or less.  Sometimes, it feels like it isn't fair!

Meanwhile, marjuana was legalized for recreational use in Colorado beginning Wednesday.  A total of 37 people died on Wednesday from overdoses.  Maybe things are getting a little bit out of hand?  Some people should honestly learn to take it in moderation, because overdoses are not cool in the least bit.

As for the story.... I didn't make any progress over Winter Vacation due to several prior commitments.  But anyways, I have hit a roadblock in what was supposed to be Chapter 18, so I have gone on to Chapter 19, and i'll just loop the information back around to make sure everything ties up and there aren't any nasty continutity errors.

I'll update this again on Friday, January 10th.


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