State Of The Union

On Tuesday,  President Obama gave the 2014 State Of The Union Address. The speech lasted 65 minutes, and had lots of standing ovations from the crowd full of Democrats and Republicans alike, alongside many special guests that Obama referred to by name, including a recovering solider. The speech was also met by eye rolling from John Boehner, although for most of the first half and for a little bit at the end, he also stood up.  There was also a funny moment when Joe Biden stood up and pointed to someone in the audience trying to act cool.  I think Obama's plan for 2014 is a good one, as he wants to work with Congress, but will use some power where he can, power he has full rights to use. It's going to be an interesting year in Washington.

Of course, Republicans had their nitpicks. Marco Rubio, who gave the Republican Response last year and did the awkward bend for a glass of water, gave the address a thumbs down.  This year, the Republican Response was given by Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a congresswoman from Washington State, who gave the speech from her living room. She claimed that the Republican Plan is better for America, something I strongly disbelieve.

All in all, this was a good State Of The Union, and I'm good with it.

As for the story, I am in Chapter 24, which isn't much further from where I was last week.  The story is also currently set in Kentucky's marvelous countryside.  I'm slowly working the story down to Nashville, and things go on from there.

Next update is Friday, February 7th.


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