Heat Wave

Remember last week when I told you that school was cancelled due to the extreme cold? That's gone now, and we find ourselves experiencing the warmest temperatures we've seen in quite sometime.  It's lovely to see the temps finally go above zero degrees.  It feels like Spring because of this.  I hope it's around for a long time to come!

Lately, I've found myself announcing starting line-ups for boys basketball games at my high school.  I did the girls team for the first time last night.  One thing I like to do differently though is announce both teams with the same amount of enthusiasm. Some people like it, and some hate it.  Either way though, I'm going to keep doing it the same way, as I'm sure the other team and their fans like to get hyped up rather than just being read off in a monotone.

As for the story, I have made some progress this week.  I moved through Chapter 19 and into 20 while tying up the loose ends in 18.  I think Chapter 20 will be the last chapter in Chicago,  as the story has been planted there for ten chapters now, and you've got to move locations at some point.  I can't wait to move to the new location, which is where the action really begins!

I'll update this again on Friday, January 17th


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