The End Of Duck Dynasty?

This week has found Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson placed on hiatus from filming due to some religiously-related comments about homosexuality.  Fans have become outraged, slamming A&E, and creating Facebook communities to petition his reinstatement.  PETA has even joined in on the party, expressing their distaste.

In my opinion, this is a prime showing of how things can get out of hand quickly.  Take a basketball game for example. The referees make calls to the best of their ability, but get slammed by parents, players, coaches, and fans.  It seems a bit crazy that we take high school basketball so seriously doesn't it?

Obviously, many people are outraged on both sides of the community, and that's expected.  But did it really need to get out of hand like it has now?

Anyways, an update. I have gotten absolutely nowhere since last Friday, due to the fact that I am busy with many other things, and those other things get in the way.  I will attempt to write some more over Christmas Vacation, which starts tonight for me, but I'm not sure how far I'll make it.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!  Enjoy them while the time is still around!  The next update will be on Friday, December 27th.


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