Wanted, Valued, and Appreciated
How often do you feel wanted, valued, and appreciated? Your answer may range from "all the time" to something more like "almost never". Is it a requirement to feel these things in order to feel like you're having a successful life? I'd say no unless we're looking at things purely from a social standpoint, such as being involved in a circle of friends. Sometimes, we can still have happiness being alone and not with people, though I personally find those instances to be few and far between when taking a broad look. I sometimes struggle with feelings of being any of these three things, but lately I've often pondered the thought of whether or not I really need to feel this way about my life. Is being wanted always a good thing? I'd say not exactly, for it could be for the wrong reasons, as some of us have ill intent on why we want to see/pay/use a person's skill set or services offered. Our intentions are not always of the best intention...