That First Week Of The Year

The first week of January is always an interesting one.  Friends family and neighbors are trying to settle into new resolutions, school is starting up again, it's almost always cold, and you feel a sense of disbelief that you're in a new year.

When the clock struck Midnight on Sunday morning I couldn't believe it was 2017.  A new year full of promise and hope and new adventures at every turn.  There'll be new people to meet, new places to go, and new things to try.  You don't notice it now, but at year's end a lot could be different.  That's kind of how 2016 went for me, with the year starting out having me living in Eveleth under my parent's roof, still in high school and running a business, and ending with me living in Fargo by myself, moving through my first semester of college, and volunteering for a radio station.  A lot can and will change in 365/366 days, and it's up to us to either embrace that change or drop it altogether.

That's also kind of the way things should go with New Year's resolutions.  All of us make a new one every year, most often to drop some pounds gained from Thanksgiving and Christmas meals as well as the "occasional" midnight snack (which happens at one or two in the morning for me), and second most often to "be a better person" by which I mean seem more approachable, act kinder, basically just try to care more.

The latter of the two is one of my three resolutions for 2017.  I want to be nicer to people I meet.  If you're someone who comes off as arrogant or uncaring at times when you don't mean to, you and I are in the same boat, and it can be a rocky one.  You keep trying (and failing) to be someone who one could come to with anything, and while it might work for a while, you soon find yourself reverting back to old habits after a bad day.

It is my goal to become a better person in 2017.  I want to be someone who people can come to in times of trouble and rely on, as well as someone who people want to be with outside the dreck that is normal life.  I can tell I'm making baby steps when invitations are made to partake in meals together and people are delighted to see me again, and I hope you can too.

To end this post, I am proposing that all of us try to have a better year in the development of personal relationships (friends and co-workers NOT dating).  My goal is to meet five new people this year and maintain strong relationships with them throughout the year and then work to keep that going into 2018 and the years that follow.  I hope that some of you will follow me on this journey of personal growth and adaptation.  Some of us might be shyer than others, and that's ok... sometimes all it takes is a nice big smile to get someone to notice you and want to meet you.

From me to you, have a blessed year, and I'll see you on the other side.


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