
Showing posts from 2017

On Love & The Best Love Songs I've Ever Heard

Valentines' Day comes only once a year, and every year, it sends me into a state of pure elation.  I start feeling like I'm in absolute love with the world and want to get to know every single living person on the planet.  There's always the "Anthem Song Of The Season" that pumps me up and goes on constant repeat until March 1st hits and I can't stand it anymore so I move onto other music, and the sudden desire for things like Dove's annually released heart-shaped chocolates and heart pizzas, and of course GIANT chocolate chip cookies.  In one of the worst months of the Winter season, I always have an awkward smile on my face that doesn't really go away..... Love is always something I've tried to have as a feature, even in the toughest times of my life thus far. While it might not always be apparent, I try to be (assuming we have no disagreements or arguments/feuds) compassionate and welcoming to all who cross my path.  I also strive to be ...

Cool Computer Tricks You Might Not Have Known About (Windows OS)

Computers are the most amazing piece of technology I've ever seen.  In the last twenty years or so they've come up with comparable apps and programs to the camera, the television, games, music, and so much more.  I find myself almost on some type of computer, be it my personal laptop or the studio computers at the NCR Studios almost daily.  They have helped me out so much in the past few years, especially since my hands now cramp up with too much pen/paper writing, making it easier to use the keyboard. Being on a computer a lot and referring to Google for assistance when I have questions I have come to learn the keyboard pretty decently, including many shortcuts that I have found useful in my day to day activities that require use of a computer.  Today, I just wanted to share a short list of some really easy tips and tricks that you might not have known about, and if you haven't, I hope they make your time at the keys easier. Let's start with file tran...

Some Fast Thoughts On Season 1 Of The Good Place

NBC comedy The Good Place , starring Kristen Bell and Ted Danson in the two lead roles, danced across our TV screens for thirteen episodes over the Fall through January 19th (last week).  The show focuses on Eleanor Shellstrop (Bell), going to a place that's "not quite Heaven" named The Good Place, led by immortal architect Michael (Danson).  Almost immediately from the get go, Eleanor realizes that she doesn't belong here and that she must have been dropped in there by mistake, as her still crabby attitude from life on Earth leaves quite the sour taste in the neighborhood, causing a trash storm, giant shrimp to fly across the sky, and even a giant sinkhole to open up in the restaurant.  Holding a strong desire to be able to remain in The Good Place and not be taken to The Bad Place, the show's version of Hell, Eleanor enlists the help of her soulmate Chidi (William Jackson Harper) to teach her about ethics, or as how she defines it "how to be good....

Sleep: A Struggle And A Joy

Sleep isn't something that's very hard for me to come by.  Even after the smallest bit of contact with cold air I can come inside where it's warm and conk out in no time.  Some people I know sleep for about ten hours a night or more, and while I think that's healthy from time to time I most certainly can't do it all the time, as it will leave me feeling rather sluggish versus well-rested. While it has been noted in several different studies that the average amount of sleep needed each night for someone around my age is 6-8 hours, a study found  here  notes that it doesn't matter how much I'm sleeping, but rather I need to ensure I'm getting a good quality sleep in each night, meaning that when I blackout and start dreaming I should be sleeping well, not almost waking up several times, having trouble breathing, and constantly shifting positions.  This study almost seems too good to be true.... During the week my sleep varies from night to n...

Some Fast Thoughts On Season 1 Of "A Series Of Unfortunate Events"

A Series Of Unfortunate Events was a book series that was a large chunk of what I read in the second and third grade.  I never read all the books all the way through, but I did read some of them, and enjoyed them.  I also watched the 2004 film with Jim Carrey and Timothy Spall, among others. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the books or the film, the series concerns the Baudelaire orphans, who have just lost their parents in a fire that also destroyed their entire home as well.  With only the shirts on their backs and an enormous fortune that is not to be dispersed until Violet (eldest child) turns eighteen, the children are sent to live with a wide variety of guardians, the first of which is Count Olaf, a local actor with a troupe.  After almost legally marrying Violet to get the fortune he loses them and then ensues on a chase to get the fortune, during which he murders several people and fools whoever the current guardian of the Baudelaires...

Moving Away From Home

In August I set off from Eveleth, MN for the last time on a regular basis.  After a radio shift in Grand Rapids it was off west to Fargo.... for that wonderful financially burdening thing we call college. After just barely graduating high school and a fun summer that followed it, it was time for me to start my post-secondary educational career and enjoy the adventures that came with it. I was much more excited then, as college seemed like something so spectacular and fun, and I was finally ready to be in a different area.  I slept heavily throughout the night at the hotel, eager to see what the next day would bring.  The next morning, we rode over to the college, moved all my stuff in, and then my mother and sister left.... And then it hit me.... I was more or less alone.  There were several times that first night on campus where I almost broke down in sobs and wanted to turn around and go home. For the first few days while I was on campus I tried to...

Some Fast Thoughts On Season 2 Of Fuller House

Fuller House  is a show that serves as a gender-swapped follow-up to the late 1980's and early 1990's ABC sitcom  Full House .  The latter of the two shows just named was met with critical acclaim and had many fans, however the former has been met with mostly mixed reviews. I'm not here today to chronicle the entire second season for you, as there are articles that do that, rather I'm just here to share some fast thoughts both good and bad on Season 2 of this show.  I must admit that I'm already getting very excited for Season 3 at the time of writing this post, and I'm hoping it manages to make it out sometime this year.  We probably won't see it until the Fall since production just started this week, and I'm hoping they (writers and cast) make it worth the wait.  Season 2 was not as hard for me to get into as Season 1 was, evidenced by the fact I just blogged about Season 1 last week.  For me, this alone showed huge signs of improvem...

That First Week Of The Year

The first week of January is always an interesting one.  Friends family and neighbors are trying to settle into new resolutions, school is starting up again, it's almost always cold, and you feel a sense of disbelief that you're in a new year. When the clock struck Midnight on Sunday morning I couldn't believe it was 2017.  A new year full of promise and hope and new adventures at every turn.  There'll be new people to meet, new places to go, and new things to try.  You don't notice it now, but at year's end a lot could be different.  That's kind of how 2016 went for me, with the year starting out having me living in Eveleth under my parent's roof, still in high school and running a business, and ending with me living in Fargo by myself, moving through my first semester of college, and volunteering for a radio station.  A lot can and will change in 365/366 days, and it's up to us to either embrace that change or drop it altogether. That'...

Some Fast Thoughts On Season 1 of Fuller House

Fuller House is a show that serves as a gender-swapped follow-up to the late 1980's and early 1990's ABC sitcom Full House .  The latter of the two shows just named was met with critical acclaim and had many fans, however the former has been met with mostly mixed reviews. I'm not here today to chronicle the entire first season for you, as there are articles that do that, rather I'm just here to share some fast thoughts both good and bad on Season 1 of this show, as I have just started Season 2. A good thing to mention right away is that the show was quite hard for me to get into at first.  The first episode, while nice for exposition, was not much more than that, and the next few episodes, while some of the best when looking at the season as a whole, seemed to be lacking in some places too.  I had been sporadically watching the first six episodes over two months, as to me it was something that was only good in very small doses every once in a while, ...