The Top 10 Songs Of 2016

As a side note, it's worth noting that when I first put the title into this blog post, I put "2013" into the title box instead of "2016".  Whoops.  Isn't it crazy how fast three years can pass you by?

Anyways, the following post details my favorite 10 songs from the past year (12/1/2015-11/30/2016). The reason it starts out in December is because most songs introduced in that month usually don't make much of a splash until January or Februrary after all the Christmas music leaves the airwaves, therefore making it worthy to include December in this list.  They are in order from #10 all the way to #1, and I hope you enjoy them all.

So.... drumroll please..... (insert fake snare drum noises or smacking hands on tables)

#10 - Amy & Adams: Just A Little Road Song (from the album "Home With You")

Do you ever head out on the open road and start randomly singing songs with your spouse/significant other/children/random animal in the car?  If so, this song is for you.  It is the perfect driving tune, and the instrumentation is absolutely marvelous.  Check the video out below!

#9 - Little Big Town : Better Man (from the upcoming album "The Breaker")

While I personally am not a fan of how electronic drum beats seem to be starting to pop up in most country songs all of a sudden, which is one of several reasons why I don't listen to mainstream country on a regular basis anymore, this song puts them to good to use and creates an amazing rhythm that creates a nice mix between the older slower ballads (Lee Ann Womack's "I Hope You Dance") and something a little faster with a more uptempo beat (The Band Perry's "If I Die Young"). In a world where country music seems to have given up using actual instruments, possibly for production cost reasons, this song shines through as one of the better done ones.  Enjoy it below!

#8 - Need To Breathe : Happiness (from the album "Hard Love")

To start off the chat about this one, it's always worth noting that anything involving a gospel choir is an instant favorite of mine, and this song is no exception, especially since they (the choir) feature right at the start of the song.  Putting that aside for a little bit, this song puts across a good message and is definitely worth a few good listens.  Try it on for size below

#7 - The Zac Brown Band : Castaway (from the album "Jekyll & Hyde")

Jekyll & Hyde was actually released in 2015, but since I discovered Castaway in May of this year while looking for new music and that's also around the time it was released on the radio, it's being included with the other nine.  I should note I'm sharing this song mostly on the value of the instrumentation that lies within the three minute and eight second duration of the track, not because I support drinking and partying (no way Jose to doing that).  Try this song the next time you have a summer party though, or just need a little reminder of paradise in the winter months (especially during this cold stretch)

#6 - Laura Gibson : The Search For Dark Lake (from the album "Empire Builder")

I came across this one during one of my first few shows for Northern Community Radio, and have proceeded to repeat it on my shows at least five to seven times since then (I've done about 10-12 shows since August 1st), so you can definitely see the personal popularity this song has with me.  For you though, check out the video below and have a listen.  It almost sounds like something you may hear a school band preforming in about twenty years.

#5 - Kenny Chesney : Noise (from the album "Cosmic Hallelujah")

The calendar year usually sees the passing of at least one Kenny Chesney song that really resonates with me.  In 2012 it was "El Cerrito Place" while 2013 saw "When I See This Bar", 2014 had me sold on "American Kids" and last year for me it was "Save It For A Rainy Day".  This year "Noise" has easily been the better of the two songs released by the country superstar, his other being a rather lackluster duet with Pink that grew tiring after the fifth or sixth listen.  "Noise" relates to so many of us in that there's this daily noise in our lives that we just can't get away from, and the song touches on so many aspects of that daily noise.  I'd say in some aspects hearing the song even inspired me to get away from some of the noise.  Take a gander at the lyric video below.

#4 - Rend Collective : Simplicity (from the album "Campfire II: Simplicity")

In October, I reviewed the newest Campfire album from Rend Collective (read that here).  While the album for me was a mixed bag, there were several songs that stuck out, including this one, which is by far one of my favorite songs from the band altogether, and to have it included on the album as an acoustic redo was amazing.  It is by far my favorite from the album, and I hope you'll love it just as much as I did and find yourself singing along.

#3 - The Monkees : You Bring The Summer (from the album "Good Times")

When I first stumbled across this album in the KAXE library, I thought the Monkees were just a happy band of old guys making some new songs to share with their fans.  Boy was I wrong, and my, what an awesome way to celebrate a 50th anniversary by doing this album.

#2 - Oscar : Feel It Too (from the album "Cut & Paste")

Some of you might be surprised that this one isn't number one on the list, and I'll elaborate a little bit on that later.  To say the least, I find this song addicting, in that you can't help but give it a good five or six listens in a row before you want to switch to the next song.  Musically it's put together very nicely, and Oscar's voice is pretty neat.  While the song is very short (2:35) possibly the one downside, it still manages to pack a punch and win your heart over after the first listen.  Check it out below.

#1 - Jerrod Niemann & Lee Brice : A Little More Love (no album release)

This song is easily the best song I've heard this year.  Yes it's one of those bro country songs that have been absolutely done to death and are annoying the crap out of people to this day, but if you look past that and instead take note of all the happy vibes the song gives you, you enjoy it so much more

What were your favorite songs this year?  Sound off in the comments!


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