What's A Good Senior Class Song?

Believe it or not, it won't be too long (8 months) before we're saying goodbye to the Class of 2017.  I feel so old already, even though I'm only a year older than this group.  Before the whole sadness of graduation sets in, and for some other classes, the fun night that is your Senior Prom, you'll sit down to pick a few things that will get printed in your Yearbook and possibly put on display at your commencement ceremony.  Those things are of course, your class flower, class song, class motto, and class quote, plus your class colors.  It can lead to quite the spirited discussion in a lot of classrooms, when one section wants one thing, and another section wants the opposite.  It's how my class wound up choosing the Moon Orchid as our class flower (I still don't really know what that is or looks like), and Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" (dubbed "Flap Bird" by my class President that day) as our class song.  It definitely was a strange pick, but since it was never played at our commencement ceremony it didn't end up mattering anyways.....

So while you're probably going to have a lot of fun discussions about that (the fun possibly being sarcastic) in the upcoming months, I can guarantee it will pass with (hopefully) a near-unanimous decision.

In the meantime, I wanted to offer some suggestions for possible class songs.  These are songs that I've found out were the Senior Class songs at Proms, Turnabouts, HS Sporting Events, and even previous commencement ceremonies.  Some of them I haven't seen used, but they could work if you wanted to use them.  Each song has a video link included so you can take a listen....

Andy Grammer: Back Home (Mesabi East Class of 2016)

Kenny Chesney: I Go Back (Cherry Class of 2010)

Semisonic: Closing Time

Rod Stewart: Forever Young (Cotton 6th Grade Graduation 2010)

Jason Aldean: Laughed Until We Cried

Nickelback: Photograph (Cotton Class of 2006 &/or 2007)

Journey: Don't Stop Believing

Kool & The Gang: Celebration

Brad Paisley: Letter To Me

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: Can't Hold Us

This list is by no means exhaustive, and there's room for more on the list.  Sound off in the comments if you have them, and good luck and have fun finishing HS Class of 2017!


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