We Need To Talk About Donald Trump

Donald Trump is making waves.

The businessman turned politician is getting further and further ahead in the polls, now averaging about a 20 percent lead in the polls over opponents Dr. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, etc...  But most of the poll results have come from one thing, that being the simple shock value offered by most of his statements, many of them racist.

Currently, if we were to elect Donald Trump today, here's what would happen with people of several different ethnicity.

  • All illegal Hispanic immigrants would be removed from the country, and kept from entering again thanks to a large wall that the Mexican government will pay for.  First of all, how long is this giant wall going to take anyways?  You're covering all of this land, a lot of which is along the Rio Grande river, and you're just going to build a giant wall!  And why does Mexico have to pay for this?  If Donald Trump wants to do this as President, the American government should put out the money for it!
  • All the Muslims will be entered into a database.  First off there is no way we don't already have that as a country, and second off, just because a few of them have violent intentions doesn't mean they all need to be banned.  The next time you run into a Muslim employee at the Mall of America (there's a couple on the janitorial crew) try thinking of them as something besides a terrorist.  Most of them are harmless people and it'd be interesting to see what their backstory is and hear some of the stories they have to tell.
  • We're building a wall across the Canadian border too.  I don't think we have any illegal Canadian immigrants, but I feel that could be a strategic plan to keep migrants from running to the north as bad as it already is.

Some of the other things Donald Trump wants to do include the following

  • Keeping the minimum wage where it is now ($7.25 an hour in the nation)
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood.  This is where I slightly agree with the strange-haired fellow.
  • Bringing back jobs from China and Mexico in order to save money by paying less, which is completely stupid and hypocritical being he wants to keep out migrants.
  • Invest money back into America, addressing corporate inversion.  Thumbs up?
  • We need a strong police presence, and he supports the Black Lives Matter campaign
  • Study the legalization of drugs, but don't immediately legalize.  This is also a smart move with the not legalizing right away.  However, with the amount of people on some type of drug today, claiming it makes them "happy", we could get into some further problems down the road if we do legalize it.
  • Cut down the Department of Education and Common Core.  Schools do focus too much on the standardized tests honestly, and if we can change that, more power to us.  School should be fun for everyone, not something that we lose sleep at night about.
  • Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Stress the importance of a strong family life.  Family first seems to be the mindset here, and I wholeheartedly agree with that.  So many kids are moving away from their families as they get older, and maybe we should be taking a look at that.
  • Mental health is more important than gun control.  Ok, I see where he's going here.  My short version of how I feel about guns is that everyone who owns one should have a license, which most already seem to do.  Guns should not be easily available for purchase, and mentally ill people should not be able to access them in any way shape or form.  Guns should also not be allowed within a hundred yards of any major store, school, public facility that the community uses, park, or national monument.  I feel that guns can be owned safely if we do it right.
  • Replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts
  • He welcomes immigrants as long as they come in legally

So, perhaps all Donald Trump needs is a quick lesson in communication?  I feel that yelling everything as loud as possible and trying to offend as many groups as possible doesn't work out in the long run.  Donald Trump has also done a list of things I don't agree with at all.

  • His feud with Rosie O' Donnell
  • The lewd things he's said about Megyn Kelly.  I don't care that she comes from FOX News, a channel I can't stand to watch, but those comments are wrong either way.
  • Threatening the President of Univision.
I'm sure there's plenty more where all of that came from.

Donald Trump is definitely not who I'll be voting for next November as he's just not my cup of tea when it comes to politicians.  He's been described by many as a loudmouth bigot, and there are several spots where I could agree with that. I feel that I would have better success going after someone else in the Republican field when it comes to who to support.

What do you think about Donald Trump?  Sound off in the comments!


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