
Today is the 3rd of July, and as I write this we are already in the second half of 2015!  I must say, the second part of the year is my personal favorite.  January-March is kinda meh and dreary in the NE MN area, and then April and May attempt to be beautiful but really you just end up with more snow and crappy weather pretty much every Monday lol.  Then you have June, and heat.  

July is always a time for me to sit back and stare in awe at what all has happened in just six months time, and this year has been no exception, with the pickup of Free Range Sports, Student Council State Convention, work, etc.... I feel that July is also my slow month, as it's usually when the bulk of my Story Book Lodge weeks are and therefore I'm not in the daily grind, instead taking it slow while just making sure that all my campers are behaving and (hopefully) deepening their spiritual knowledge and asking questions.  This may also be the first year that I get to be a Senior Counselor, and if that happens I feel that will be very exciting! 

Hopefully the two camp weeks don't fly by as fast as they have in previous years and I'm able to enjoy it immensely this year.  Story Book is always such a pleasant place, and it feels like when you're there you are sheltered and safe from all harmful people and all current events in the world really.  It feels as if time stands still for a week, maybe because of the shortage of cellphones and the increase of human interaction.  If your beliefs are rooted in the Christian faith I recommend camping and/or counseling out there, you will enjoy it. 

Late Summer and Early Fall look to have it's adventures for me this year.  On July 18th I will be recording a wedding and reception for one of my old friends from Cherry, and that's going to be so beautiful.  Being a DJ has made me absolutely love weddings.  Speaking of DJing, I get to DJ a wedding completely solo and independent from a company for the first time on August 29th.  I feel that this will be the chance to let "DJ Rollie D" figure out what his gigs will feature. 

Then kicks in my favorite time of the year: Fall, and the start of my Senior (gasp) year of HS.  After struggling to complete this school year I have decided to dice it up a bit with the class selection, some easy classes and some college-level.  I also am participating in One Act Play in the Fall, and actor or crew that will be interesting.  I will be back in the announcer's chair for football and raring to go, and bringing Free Range Sports to a new crowd in Mesabi East as well as bringing it back to Chisholm. Lastly for Fall, I hope to Emcee Homecoming.  I couldn't stand the whole process of getting a tux fitted to be a king candidate as it just seems to be a gloating rights thing, and to that I say ick! 

What has 2015 been like for you so far?  Share your stories in the comments!  I love getting to know people from everywhere around the world!  Happy Independence Day to all! 


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