Speech 2016

This last year I joined the Cherry High School Speech Team and preformed in the storytelling category, adapting fifteen folktales into my own storylines and using whatever voices I found suited for them that sounded different from my narrator voice.  I had a lot of fun and got really far with it! 

Next year I have decided to try something new and enter in creative expression.  My current plan is to write a story involving several of my friends as well as myself that will be a re-write of a certain point in my HS career, whether that's my time at Walmart, time spent at camp, or something from my five years at Cherry.   I say re-write because it has to be turned into something interesting in order to keep the interest of the judges. 

I am looking for willing people to be part of the piece, in main and supporting roles.  By signing up this is what I'd be doing with the fictitious version of you in my piece. 

  • Giving you a voice.  I can never get close to the original voice, so I tend to just throw in a voice and see what sticks.  You might be Scottish and you might be Irish.  Maybe you sound like Brad Pitt for all I know! 
  • Writing you in wherever you may be needed.  I'm not sure who will go where, but once that's all taken care of we start writing. 
  • Your fate.  Fictitious you may have something happen to them that wouldn't happen in real life.
I hope some of you might be interested, and then we can go out there and create something awesome! Have a great evening! 


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