Not Worth Trying....

Has someone ever made you feel rotten?  It's happened to me before and it really stinks.  I've done it to a few people too, and I always regret it.  Sometimes, amends are made, others not, but I guess it really doesn't matter in the long run.  We're none the worse for the adventure and the learning anyways.

One thing I don't get though is why we as people are so cruel to one another in general.  I do it inadvertently all the time, and it can wreck people pretty easily from what I've seen.  Thankfully, most have had the ability to forgive and forget (sometimes), and I enjoy that trait in some people.  I like having friends more than I do enemies. 

We should spread the love and happiness throughout the world, and all have a positive attitude. When your boyfriend breaks up with you, don't be like the classmate of mine that told me to suck her you know what. Don't be like I used to be, shunning everyone away or putting up a barrier to get them to leave me alone.  If we are all supportive of one another the world will be a much better place. 

Let the negative people be negative, and don't be influenced by them.  Watch them sit on the sidelines while you make a joyous noise!  Everyone join in! 

I still have a negativity problem on occasion, and I sometimes don't notice it.  I feel it's gotten a lot better recently though, and will continue to improve from here.

Don't be a rotten negative person.  Be positive, embrace change, don't forget to smile, because as my favorite radio disc jockey Scott Hansen says "that sunshine's good for your teeth", and be kind to everyone, unless you feel you have the reason not to be.  We are all awesome in our own special way! 

Updates For Those Who Want Them

  • Free Range Sports is in critical need of one thing, and that's sponsors.  I hope to go out later in the Summer, and LORD willing there will be enough to support the numerous tanks of gas it takes to go the distance for some games.  Still looking for people to help record the theme song if you're interested.  All we need is for you to play your part into a microphone with a windscreen and upload it to a computer and send it to me! 
  • Story Book Lodge weeks 1 and 2 are in just five short weeks!  I can't wait to see all my friends again, or if they don't show up, meet new ones! 
  • I failed Math for second semester of this year.  Luckily it can be made up without any out-of-school classes.  I also failed the Math MCA, and will have to retake it three times next year in order to graduate.  I think these State Tests are ridiculous, but they're the standards and I could do loads better in both aspects of this.  Trying harder next year in the Time Management department I guess. 
  • In honor of National Best Friends Day being yesterday, here is the post from Instagram as well as a caption below it describing who everyone is.  These people truly make a difference in my life, whether it's being supportive of my efforts, working alongside me, or just popping in to say "Hi" every once in a while.  Some of them also help me when I need the guidance of a friend, and I must say, they do a wonderful job.  You guys are awesome! 

Top Row L-R: Kim Fena, fellow Student Council Member and just all out awesome!  In the middle is Lily Wanninger, whose all out humorous and friendly personality is just contagious!  Top right is DJ Lind, a Student Council Heavyweight who will be fighting for the Presidency of Cherry's Council with me in September.  This will be interesting!

Middle Row L-R: Paul Cerar, fellow Student Council Member who plays the drums and is a lot of fun to work with!  On the right is Jeremy Argir, or as I like to call him "Fluffy", a hilarious man-child who always seems to have some of the best solutions to my problems!

Bottom Row L-R: Morgan Meissner, fellow camp goofball who loves what she does at camp.  In center is Hunter Ersbo, my bro.  We chat a lot during football and basketball seasons about life in general.  Bottom right is James Cooper, who welcomed me to counseling at Story Book two years ago through simply basic laughter about the day's events and making me feel at ease when the campers were a little rough on me that first week.  Oh the memories.  It's too bad James won't be making it up this year :(


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